Chapter 13: Testosterone Poptart

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We've been out filming on location for six days now, and I have to say, it's been flawless. Everybody is on their game and the crowd gets bigger every day, but they've been very well behaved so far. Social media buzz is favorable and nothing suspect is being posted.

At the end of day 3, Ted came to me. "I think we have a watcher." He nodded toward a 20 something guy with his hands in his pockets. I study him through my aviators. "He's here every day. Takes a few pics every day. I put a studio security tail on him so we can keep tabs."

I study the guy harder and notice two of our security detail within three feet of him. I feel my neck start to sweat. "What do we know?"

He continues scanning the crowd like he always does. "He lives 5 minutes away. He walks here. He walks home. Seems to live alone. He likes Chinese takeout. We are working to get a name so we can run a background check."

I pat him on the back in unspoken appreciation. "Stay on it." He nods in acknowledgement. After that, I showed up every day and stayed nearby the whole time. I had a chair by Foley, but I never took my eyes off the crowd, and my eyes returned frequently to 'the watcher'.

We're blocking the last shot of the day when I hear Dakota shriek in a tone I've never heard before, "JAMIE!" I spun out of my seat so fast it sent the chair flying and I raced to her. She clutched my waist with a death grip and burrowed her head into me as Scott smacked against her to blanket her from the back with his hands on her waist, looking over his head and scanning the crowd the entire time.

I grip her head as she pants, "I'm here, love. What's wrong."

She twists her head back and forth against my chest. "He's not right, Jamie. The look in his eyes...." She shivers and continues in a whisper, "Something is not right with him."

Ted is now beside us with a hand inside his jacket that I know means he is armed and ready. I snarl, "Get him."

Ted jumps the barricade like an Olympic hurdler and knocks bystanders out of the way as he charges. "Take him down!"

Dakota turns her head to the side on my chest and sees what's going on. She screams, "Not him! Red shirt! Get the red shirt!"

Red shirt had turned and was walking away trying not to draw attention to himself. I was proud to see Ted and three members of studio security take him down in a flying tackle. It was a hard hit and I wouldn't be surprised if there are some broken bones in that pile. Ted had him cuffed and stayed on him with a knee in his back, none too gently, as he called 911. Studio security was working hard to clear the area, only holding back a few people that were nearby in case we need witnesses.

I stroke her head and work to get my breathing and my heartbeat back to normal. "We got him, love. You're safe." I work to pull back so I can look her in the face. "Let Scott get you out of here while we deal with this."

She clutches me tighter, "Don't leave me."

Scott, bless him, speaks immediately. "He's not leaving you, sweetheart. He's going to kick the ass of the person who scared you and put him away so he can never scare you again." He pulls her back against him gently and tries to turn her to face him, but she is clinging to me. "Meanwhile, you are me are going back to your trailer to watch a movie and drink some tequila."

She wipes her nose on my shirt and mumbles, "I wanna watch The Sound of Music."

I hold her head in my hands and place a lingering kiss on her forehead, "Go love. I'll be there as soon as I can. Scott will watch over you." I meet his eyes over her head and nod my thanks at him. I never in a million years thought I would willingly send her off in the arms of another man.

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