Chapter 28: Full House

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Once back in LA, we had a week before press and the first premiere for Undeniable. We're having lunch with Chad, Scott, studio PR people, and Della and Brad – our personal assistants. Jamie and I couldn't help but smirk at each other. With the 50 prep, 95% was about what NOT to do, NOT to say – and very carefully scripted responses to expected questions.

In this case, they tossed out questions to me and Scott and let us answer them normally. They said, "Great. No problem." Then they hit Jamie with questions he should expect, and he did great as well until asked 'Jamie, we hear you're dating your leading lady. Care to tell us about your relationship?' His response was 'Yes, I am – and No, I don't.' After some coaching it became, 'I am, but we didn't get together until the movie wrapped. We've been good friends for years and this movie brought us back in close contact.'

As we near the end, Chad excuses himself, "Sorry to leave, but I need to get to LAX so I can go collect Jamie's litter of kittens." He shakes Jamie's hand and kisses my cheek. "See you two tomorrow night. Have a clean shirt and alcohol ready for me." I bounce in my seat and clap, so excited to see the girls again and meet Bertie, short for Alberta.

Della snorts at him, "Chad, I know you are capable of just about anything, but how on earth do you manage three little girls by yourself? That's a handful, even for seasoned parents."

He shakes his head and tuts at her, "Oh, Miss Della, I am a lion tamer – the original kitten whisperer. They love Uncle Chad, and I wear my crappy clothes so I don't mind when they spill, spit, snot or throw up on me."

Jamie laughs, "True! They adore him and think it's a treat or a reward to see him."

He collects his things and says softly, "It's MY treat. I love those little bits." Della reaches over to clasp his hand. She says nothing, just purses her lips and nods at him. She is chomping at the bit to get at them.

Chad does, indeed, deliver the girls the next night. Jamie and I decided to keep them in my home because it's more private and secure, and I have a nice backyard. Plus, I live next door to Jimmy Kimmel and he has a young daughter, who I predict will be over here for play dates, tea parties, etc. As Jamie reconnected with the girls, I handed Chad a box with a bow. "For you. For when you travel with the girls."

He opened it and laughed as he saw the monogramed polo shirt I had made for him today. On the left it said 'Chad' – on the right it said 'Kitten Whisperer'. He gave me a big hug, "I love it, Miss Dakota! This is perfect!" Then he snaps into fastidious Chad mode, "I might also need one that proclaims me the Jamie Whisperer, because I swear, that man is a handful."

I snort, "Tell me about it." I think for a minute, "Chad, have you two ever talked about getting an assistant for the two of you? Especially when you guys are going coast to coast and across the pond. You are functioning as way more than an assistant, but still doing assistant duties. Della could help us find a good fit if you two are remotely interested."

He hugs me tight, "YES! We DO need an assistant. And you'll be happy to know that Jamie brought it up a few days ago. I like the idea of Della vetting candidates. She knows the two of us, and even more importantly, she knows you and what you can tolerate. I don't want a great assistant if it sends either you or Jamie into jealous fits."

I smack his shoulder, "I don't have fits."

He throws his head back and laughs, "I remember a bathroom urinal and a soaking blonde that would say differently."

I huff, "She had it coming, and I'd do it again without hesitation. Talk to Della, she'll get it done."


The girls loved the room Della and I set up for them, with Mama's help, of course. Since we did unicorns at the Belfast house, I went with Hello Kitty for my house. The reunion between me, Dulcie and Elva was joyous, but Bertie has never met me. I'm happy that she accepted me fairly quickly – probably because she saw her sisters with me. Mama got me an extra-wide, comfy rocking chair for their room, and the four of us snuggle up each night to read a night night story. It's amazing that I have any hair left on my head. Both Elva and Bertie grab handfuls of it to twirl, wrap around their fingers, rub against their face, and hold to their noses. Bertie even chews on it – which Jamie finds disgusting. "I love your hair, but I don't want it to smell like kid spit -even if it's my kids." So I adjusted – piling my hair up, but leaving a few tendrils down for them to play with. And I rinse those before going to bed so Jamie doesn't pout.

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