Chapter 2: Vale

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"Here we are!" Ruby announced excitedly when they finally made it to the café.

The café in question was a white building lined with pale pink and a white oval sign that read 'Sugar Plum Café' in magenta cursive writing.

And by looking into the window Damian could see that the inside followed the same color scheme with silver tables.

"Are you coming?" Ruby questioned as she opens the door and walks in.

"Of course." Damian said and follows her in.

Ruby looks around with a smile which only got bigger when she saw Éclair and Mitsu, Dolce's parents. Who had also noticed her.

"Ruby? Is that you?" Éclair said as she walks around the countered to the huntress and gave her a hug

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"Ruby? Is that you?" Éclair said as she walks around the countered to the huntress and gave her a hug.

"it's good to see you." Ruby giggled.

"The feelings mutual my dear." Éclair stated and pulled away.

She then looks at Damian, "And who's your friend?" she asked.

"Damian Wayne, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Damian greeted politely.

Éclair looks at him in surprise, "As in Ruby's mysterious friend Damian?" she questioned.

"It's boyfriend now, and yes." Ruby answered.

"Boyfriend?" Éclair repeated hardly believing it.

Blushing a deep red, Ruby nods her head. "Yep. It happened 2 months ago." she explained.

The red-haired woman smiled brightly, "That's wonderful news!"

Letting go of the Huntress Éclair walks around her and takes a step towards Damian and hugged him.

"Welcome to the family!" she announced.

"But know this, Ruby is like a daughter to me. Hurt her, and I will rip out your spine and then proceed to gorge out your eyes with it." She whispered cheerfully in his ear before she let him go and pats his shoulder making the boy wonder flinch.

"I'll let you two pick a table." She proclaimed and walks away to help her husband.

Ruby hums as she looks around on where they could and after a minute, she decided that a table near the window would be perfect.

"There." She said and makes her way over to the table and sat down.

Following her Damian sits down across from her.

And not even a second latter there was a loud yell coming from the kitchen. "BOYFRIEND?!"

All the customers looked at the kitchen in confusion and even became even more confused when they heard pots and pans fall to the floor as Dolce came falling out of the door with her younger siblings Ambrose and Sakura on top of her.

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