Chapter 39: I May Fall

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"Damnit all to hell!" Qrow growled as he slices through another Knight.

"I will choose to ignore that." Glynda stated as she uses her whip to lift some of the knights into the air and brought them down with so much force that they were destroyed upon impact.

She then looks at Qrow and gasped when she saw an alpha Beowolf about to pounce on him. "Qrow, behind you!" she exclaimed as she got ready to use her whip again but before either of them could do anything the Beowolf was destroyed by a red laser.

"Well, this is certainly a fine mess you gotten yourself into." A familiar voice from above stated.

And with that the two-huntsman looked up to see Superman. "What are you doing here?" he questioned.

The Kryptonian looks at Glynda for a moment. "Don't worry, she already knows about the outside world." Qrow stated.

"Damian called us." Superman answered as he takes out a batch of Knights with his laser eyes.

"Good, since you're here some of you can go to the school, it's being overrun by White Fang Members and Grimm." Qrow stated.

"Copy that." the Kryptonian replied as he flies off.

"What-who was that?!" Glynda exclaimed.

"A friend. I'll explain it to you later." Qrow proclaimed as he goes back to dealing with the knights and Grimm.

And while they did that in another part of the city a certain dishonorable team were making their way through the city.

And as anyone can guess that team is Team NDGO, and why are they in the city and not on an aircraft? Well it's easy, their aircraft got attacked by a Griffon and had brought it down.

They were lucky enough to survive thanks to them jumping out of the craft and Dew making a twister that carried them to the ground safely.

Their pilot on the other hand didn't make it.

"Ugh! I wish we never came to this godforsaken kingdom!" Nebula exclaimed angrily.

"The feelings mutual!" Dew exclaimed as she sent a twister at a few creeps.

But they then hear a thundering roar and when they looked, they flinched back in fear at the sight of a giant armored Ursa with a pack trailing behind it that had most definitely seen them.

"Oh, shit run!" Nebula exclaimed.

And that's what the teammates did but it didn't matter since no matter how hard they tried to run away the Armored Ursa along with the pack were getting closer.

But as they were turning a corner, they saw a young boy casually walking around.

The boy in questioned looked young, maybe around 13-14, had pale skin, gray-blue hair, deep blue eyes...or "eye" since his right eye was covered by a black eyepatch.

And as for an outfit he was wearing a white blouse with a simple black tie, and over that was a formal double-breasted blue jacket with matching formal pants, and black formal shoes.

Team NDGO narrowed their eyes at the boy and picked up the pace and the reason they did this was soon revealed when Octavia had grabbed the boy by his arm just as he was looking at them and threw him to the floor.

"Sorry, kid. It's either you or us!" Nebula proclaimed as they kept running.

But they didn't end up getting very far when for no reason at all Nebula's leg twisted around.

Falling to the ground Nebula screams bloody murder which only got louder when she took in her injured leg.

And the only thing her team could do was look at her with horror and shock.

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