Chapter 27: The Breach

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Yang approaches Neo and the two-toned haired girl just gives the hot-tempered blonde a taunting smile.

Yang growls angrily as she unleashes another attack. But Neo counters by blocking the punch with her umbrella and then flipping and twisting her body on the crate before placing her feet back on the ground where the two toned haired woman began to force Yang back by doing many fake kicks but after the 4th time Neo kicks Yang back for real.

Skidding to a stop Yang grunts as she unleashes another blast from Ember Celica, which Neo blocks.

But Yang took this opportunity to rush forward and punch the girl's makeshift shield which did push Neo back but other than that it didn't faze her as she moves forward and begins to block and redirect all of Yang's attacks.

And once she got Yang in a position that left her completely out in the open, Neo tried to roundhouse kick her but Yang grabs her foot, and pulls her closer to throw her, only for Neo to perfectly recover and land on her feet.

Where she then rushes forward grappling Yang before she could react and used her momentum to throw her into the ceiling, knocking her unconscious.

Neo turns to look at Yang and shakes her head at how pathetic she is, and she's supposed to be a huntress?

But she knows that she has to end this now and so the female criminal walks over to the blonde while pulling out a small hidden blade from her umbrella.

And once she was standing above the blonde Neo raises her blade to deal the finishing blow, grinning sadistically while doing so.

But suddenly, a masked warrior comes out of nowhere and knocks Neo back.

Neo skids to a stop and looked at her new opponent and her eyes change from brown and pink to white, mirroring her fearful expression as she took in the person before her.

Judging by their body shape the opponent was obviously a female and it was also clear that the mysterious woman has pale skin, long raven black hair, and bright red eyes that could be seen through her unique mask.

Which was a full-face Grimm mask that has four eye slits to allow her to see, and further enhancing the mysterious character's inhuman appearance.

And as for clothes she wore a shallow cut black and red dress with black shorts underneath, with a series of beaded necklaces and a belt that wrapped around her waist and carried her weapon's sheath. Attached to it also is a long black object that is either fur or feathers, with a red and white bandana material like hanging from behind her.

Her forearms bear red armored gauntlets that protrude outwards and solid black gloves. Furthermore, she wore black mid-thigh high leggings with red splatter patterns and black heels.

The mysterious swordswoman looks down at Yang for a moment before turning to face Neo and slowly draws her sword again.

Which is a long and crimson red blade and holds it up intimidatingly at her enemy.

Neo, realizing the imminent threat before her, wastes no time and disappears in a flash.

The swordswoman looks down at the still unconscious Yang, and slashes her sword to the side, opening an eerie red portal and walks to go through it and as she did Yang was starting to regain consciousness and as she got up she slightly opens her eyes again and gets a brief glimpse at her rescuer before the woman disappears.

Yang rubs her head, still reeling after just regaining consciousness, before standing up and leaving the scene.

Meanwhile back outside while Oobleck and Ruby were dealing with a Paladin, Damian was taking care of Maris.

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