Chapter 29: Visiting Summer Rose

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Damian sighed as he walked out of the bathroom already dressed in his huntsman outfit. "I'll meet you down in the weapon's room." He stated to Ruby and walks out of the dorm.

"Is there a reason you two are leaving so early?" Weiss asked with a yawn.

"I wanted to visit my mom before we had to get ready for the tournament." Ruby answered.

And that statement alone was enough to shock any sleepiness the heiress still had in her since she is well aware that Ruby's mom is no longer here. "Oh...I'm sorry."

"It's fine. You didn't know." Ruby assured as she walks into the bathroom to get ready.

Meanwhile with Damian, the boy wonder had made it to the weapon's room and was now taking Sultan out of its locker.

Putting it in its sheath the Boy Wonder closed his locker and started to walk away but he then hears a loud crash followed by an angry yell which was coming from a room that students use when they leave their Huntsmen outfits in their lockers.

Getting suspicious the boy wonder walks over to the door that had a logo on it indicating that it was the boy's changing room.

Then suddenly there was another sound of a crash followed by a hiss of pain.

And so, with that the boy wonder opens the door and came face to face with Mercury who was on the floor.

But what shocked him was the fact that one of Mercury's pant legs was rolled up which showed Damian that the kickboxer's legs are in fact robotic.

And by the looks of it, it was obvious that one of his legs came lose since it is not connected anymore.

Hearing the door open Mercury turns his head to see who it is, and his eyes widen in shock and dread. "Are you...great, she's not going to like this." He muttered under his breath.

But Damian heard him, "She?" he repeated.

Mercury sighed in annoyance, "Could you close the door, don't want others finding out about this." He said and gestures to his robotic leg.

Walking in Damian closed the door and leans against it, "Well?"

"Do you want the backstory or what I just said?" Mercury asked.

"Both." Damian replied.

"Alrighty then. My dad cut them off." He answered like it was the simplest thing in the world.

And with how nonchalant he was about it threw the Boy Wonder off. "Excuse me?!"


"No, you need to explain this in full detail now!" Damian demanded.

"There's nothing really to tell. My dad was a abusive bastard that didn't like my idea of going off to become a huntsman since it meant he lost his control over me, and so as a way to show how weak I was he cut my legs off." Mercury explained.

He then scoffed in distaste at how much he is being reminded of his dad. "But then he realized that with my legs gone there was no way he could make me into what he wanted me to be."

"So, he called in a favor from a friend and they were more than happy to give me my new legs for a price." The silver haired boy added and rubbed his index finger and thumb together to empathize.

And after that Damian just stood there seething in rage and all the boy wonder wanted to do at that moment was to kill Mercury's father.

"That's disgusting, I have seen some horrible people throughout my entire life up to this point, but your father is exceptionally high on the list of villains that need to be killed." Damian hissed.

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