Chapter 6: The First Step

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Damian sighed as he lays down in on his small mattress in his pajama's which was a sleeveless dark gray t-shirt and long black pants.

"It's like a big slumber party!" Yang exclaimed as she flops down on the mattress, which was on the other side of Ruby, who was writing something down in a notebook.

"I don't think Tai and Qrow would approve of all the boys, though." Ruby commented.

Yang smirks as she looks flirtatiously at all the boys that were shirtless. "I know I do." She said and purrs.

But then all that was ruined when Jaune came walking in wearing baby blue footie pajama's that had a white rabbit on the chest and little rabbit years on the feet.

But he then stopped when he noticed Yang staring and smiled at her.

Damian sighed in annoyance at the blonde's attire. "He's never to find a girlfriend." he muttered while pinching the bridge of his nose.

The blonde groans in displeasure and then looked at what Ruby was writing.

"What's that?" she asked.

"A letter to the gang back at Signal. I promised to tell them all about Beacon and how things are going." Ruby answered.

"Aww, that's so cuuuute!!!" Yang cooed.

Which resulted her getting a pillow thrown at her face. "Shut up. I didn't get to take my friends with me to school. It's weird not knowing anyone here." Ruby stated.

"What about Jaune? He's....nice. There you go! Plus one friend that's a 100 percent increase!" Yang said cheerfully.

Ruby sighed as she turns around on her back to look up at ceiling. "I'm pretty sure Weiss counts as a 'negative friend. Back to zero."

"There's no such thing as 'negative friends'! you just made one friend and one enemy." Yang stated.

Which resulted her getting hit in the face with Ruby's corgi pillow.

Yang chuckles as she pulls the pillow off her face, "Look, it's only been one day. Trust me, you've got friends all around you. You just haven't met them yet."

Ruby sighed at her sister's words and was contemplating them when she noticed a faint glow slightly light up the room.

Sitting up the young huntress saw that the glow was coming from a candelabra that had 3 lit candles on it. and the person that had lit it was the girl that Damian and Ruby had met in the courtyard.

"That girl..." Ruby muttered.

"You know her?" Yang asked.

"Not really...She saw what happened this morning but left before I could say anything." Ruby explained.

"Well, now's your chance!" Yang said as she grabs Ruby's arm to pull her up with her and drags her towards the mysterious girl.

"Hey, what are you doing! Dami! Help!" Ruby exclaimed.

Damian looks at this and sighed as he got up and followed them.

"Helloooo!" Yang said in a sing-song tone.

"I believe you two may know each other!" Yang said gesturing to the sister who had snatched he hand out of her grip and was now looking away from them with her arms crossed.

"Aren't you that girl that exploded?" the mysterious girl asked.

"Uhh, yeah! my name's Ruby. But you can just call me Crater...." The silver eyed girl smiles nervously at that silly name. "Actually, you can just call me Ruby."

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