Chapter 17: A Minor Hiccup

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Weiss sighs as she waits patiently for the minutes left on her holographic clock displayed from her desk in the classroom of Professor Peter Port.

Suddenly Jaune slides over to her with a smile.

"So, Weiss, you know uh...I was thinking that after this, maybe we could grab a bite to eat?" Jaune offered.

He then looks at Professor Port for a second before he looks back a Weiss continued to speak. "And uh, I know well I-I've got two tickets to that new Spruce Willis Movie if you want to make a trip to Vale, I hear it's awesome."

He then frowns when he saw how Weiss is ignoring him. "And...then maybe after that we could study together? I mean, you're smart and I'm know..."

And much to Weiss's satisfaction the time on her clock turned to 4:00 and beeped signaling that class was now over.

Hearing the timer go offer Professor Port stops talking about another one of his hay-day stories. "Oh, uh, timed that one wrong I guess." He muttered to himself.

He then looks back at his class calmly. "Well the stunning conclusion to the story will have to wait. Until next time." He proclaimed.

"Weiss? Did you hear me?" Jaune asked as the white-haired heiress gets up.

"No, no, no, yes." Weiss stated answering every question that he had offered her.

Jaune sighs disgruntledly and slams his head onto the table.

"One day." Yang said ruffling his hair as she walks pass him.

"Why not take Pyrrha? I've heard that she's been meaning to take a break and wanted to go see it but the tickets were all sold out. Besides, she is also the 2nd Smartest girl next to Ruby so she's your best choice if you don't want to fail." Damian stated as he walked pass the blonde as well.

Jaune sighs knowing that boy wonder is right and so with that he gets up and once he left the classroom he was met with his team.

"Ready?" Pyrrha asked.

"Yeah...hey, Pyrrha I was wondering if you wanted to go see that new Spruce Willis movie. I have two tickets to it, and I heard from Damian that you've been meaning to take a break and that you really wanted to go?" Jaune asked.

Pyrrha blinks a couple of times as she takes in what he just said and still couldn't understand on what he's talking about. 

She has never said anything about taking a break and seeing the new Spruce Willis movie? especially to Damian.

And then that's when it hit her why the boy wonder did that and started to wonder if she should thank or hit him later. "Pyrrha are you ok?" Jaune asked snapping his partner out of her thoughts.

 The invincible girl lets out a awkward fake cough and smiles bashfully at him with a giant blush on her face. "I...uh...I would like that...when do you want to leave?" she questioned.

"We could leave in the next hour if you want." Jaune stated.

"That sounds perfect." Pyrrha said happily.

Nodding his head Jaune then starts to walk back to the dorms and as he did, he missed the knowing smirks that Nora and Ren gave Pyrrha.

Who looked away from them with a red face that was now a brighter shade of red that put her hair to shame.

Meanwhile with Team RWBY once they got back to their dorms, they immediately got changed into their mission clothes.

"Hold still Dami." Ruby said as she styles his hair with a comb.

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