Chapter 19: Extracurricular

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Pyrrha sighs as she puts her armor to get ready for the spar that Professor Goodwitch has in store for her and Team CRDL.

Once she finished the young huntress walks back to class to face her opponents.

Pyrrha strikes Cardin who tries to counter only to hit her shield before getting driven back. He falls to one knee then rolls to dodge as she comes down from above.

Eventually, Pyrrha launches her spear at Dove Bronzewing and then knocks him down. Next, she fires a shot at Sky Lark then blocks an attack from the dark blue haired boy's halberd which is known as Feather's Edge with her shield.

Switching from sword to spear and driving him back, she then fires another shot before knocking Sky to the ground.

She then attacks Cardin again who unleashes a short column of fire from the red Dust crystal in The Executioner by smashing the floor. She dodges the blast then used her shield to block a swing from Cardin's mace which was still strong enough to make her skid back.

But she soon had to turn her attention away from him when she noticed that Sky was right behind her with Feather's Edge raised.

But the invincible girl easily dodged it by jumping off the floor and then used he shield to block another attack from Cardin and when her feet landed on the floor she quickly did a low kick that sweep Sky off his feet.

Contorting her body so she would be in a handstand position Pyrrha then uses her strength to vault far away from Cardin and once she got back on her feet, she ran towards him.

But instead of acting him she jumped over him and the bully turned around to face her but that prove to be a bad move since Pyrrha at that moment had thrown her shield at him, which hits him in the face and bounces back to hit Sky as well.

She then flips backwards through the air to catch it then land on Sky's back, incapacitating him. Dove and Russel Thrush rush her together, but she is able to drive them back by bulldozing into Russel with her shield raised with so much force that he fell right next to Cardin who was still trying to get up.

She then blocked a few attacks from Dove before she kicked him away from her, but the boy managed to recover by landing on his feet while Cardin leaps in to smash at her with his mace.

Pyrrha dodges and opens fire with the rifle-form of Miló, but Russel defends Cardin, deflecting every shot with his two curved daggers called Shortwings.

Him and Dove then charge at Pyrrha, with Russel leaping into the air and performing a triple somersault. However, the double-kick attack is easily blocked with her shield.

Russel and Dove proceed to strike at Pyrrha together, demonstrating precision through their ability to avoid hitting one another during the attack. She falls back still managing to parry every blow, as Cardin attempts to capitalize on the distraction.

But Pyrrha easily evades him and once she her feet were on the ground, she opens fire again, but this time Cardin deflects the bullets with his own weapon. He charges at her only to be met with a knee to the chin.

And the two Huntsmen in training began clash but out of the two of them Cardin was the one that received most of the hits. Russel ducks in under Cardin for a surprise attack, but also proves himself unable to land a hit on her.

The Amazonian girl then throws her shield at him dazing him in the process. And Pyrrha used this to her advantage by tripping him with his spear.

But the fight wasn't over since at that moment Dove moves in and Pyrrha tried to strike him with her extended spear, but the blonde-haired boy managed to deflect it along with couple more blows.

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