Author's Note ~ Oliver and Ben

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Hello everyone, I saw. This cool challenge on Instagram for OTP's. So I'm doing it for Ben and Oliver for Pride Month.

1. They met on their first day working for George. They were both hired as guards.

2. They're not really together official because of many reasons. But they've known each other for quite a while.

3. Ben started realising his feelings for Oliver when they arrived in America. Oliver started returning those feelings when Samuel and Ella arrived in England.

4. Talk about different couples they know. It may not seem like it but they like gossiping about their OTP's

5. No, but they have nicknames. Benjamin likes to call Oliver, Ollie and Oliver call Benjamin, Ben.

6. They haven't really confessed to each other, as being gay in the 1700s was looked down upon. But if they were to, it would be Ben.

7. They are yet to kiss.

8. ^

9. Same as number 6. But it probably is Ben.

10. Number 6

11. They haven't told any of their family members, but Samuel kind of knows that they like each other.

12. They usually are on guard together. They like having conversations about politics or local rumours.

13. They haven't been on a date but their worst experience together would be kidnapping Y/N

14. Politics and if Y/N and George are actually a good couple.

15. Oliver

16. Both

17. Number 6. But it would be Oliver.

18. Oliver

19. Ben

20. Chaos

21. Little remarks about each other but like in the most British way possible.

22. Ben

23. Ben

24. Oliver

25. Ben. He makes the most random jokes about tea.

26. Oliver

27. Depends. But usually Oliver.

28. No radios in 1782 but Ben is more musical like.

29. Oliver

30. Ben. He insists on it.

31. Ben is a food gremlin.

32. Ben. But Oliver has cried reading a children's book at 3 am.

33. Ben

34. Oliver

35. Ben doesn't like that Oliver swears a lot. Oliver hates how much sugar Ben puts in his tea.

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