Chapter 1

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Once again I'm a noob

Mario sighed as he closed the book. Nothing about silence curses in there either.

It made sense, he reasoned with himself as he swam to back to the cabinets. Silence curses were some of the most forbidden magic in the kingdom. But it was very frustrating, he had been searching the palace's library for no less than 9 YEARS, trying to find anything about curses, and so far all he knew was that, to quote "The Many Mysteries and Miseries of Magic" silence curses were "Immoral, unthinkable and rude, to silence someone's free speech! How terrible."

He really hated that book. It was one of the largest books about magic, and yet most of it was the author whining about how terrible it was to be magical, and how unfair the world was.

He'd done some research about that author after finishing the book (which took him a full month of near nonstop reading by the way!) and found out that he had been one of the very rare non magical royals a few generations back.

And he kinda understood, yeah silence curses are the worst, he would know, but couldn't have someone oh I don't know, HAVE ACTUALLY WRITTEN HOW TO BREAK ONE!?

"Ah uhm, Your Majesty?" Mario jumped as the voice of the librarian on duty cut through the water. He quickly realized he'd been glaring at that stupid excuse of a book on magic for a few minutes. He also realized that she was now drifting right next to him, her tail twitching as if she wanted to launch herself away from him.

"Oh I zoned out, sorry uhm." He trailed off, feeling slightly embarrassed, forgetting her name. He spent almost all his time in the library and yet he couldn't remember the names of any of the librarians.

She smiled, "I'm Kay, it's ok, but, I've noticed you've been researching curses? Specifically silence curses?" She said, shyly, seeming uncomfortable merely mentioning them. 

Mario nodded, trying his best to commit her to memory. He noticed she had a Promise mark on her lower stomach, a simple coral design, and he couldn't help but feel a stab of jealousy. Protectors rarely got promised, but it didn't stop him from wanting one.

She paled slightly, but continued speaking confidently.

"Right, w-well. I guess as Protector you might have to silence enemies of the crown, and whatnot." She said, and he realized that she thought that he meant to learn how to actually use a silence curse.

"Oh! No Nono, I want to learn how to break such curses. Not use them, I'd never want to silence someone free speech, cause you know, that's wrong." He said, trying to ease her mind. It's seemed to help as her grip on the book she was holding. He noticed it seemed to be a journal of some type, very beaten up and slightly torn.

"Oh, oh thank Sea Wyverns, but uhm anyway. This" she handed him the journal delicately "is the eldest book we have in here, it has a chapter on silence curses. Some pages might be missing though." She explained.

Mario took the book and carefully opened it. Without even thinking, he started swimming back to his usual table, whilst scanning the book. He didn't notice Kay following him back to the table and sitting next to him, peering over his shoulder.

Mario's POV

I quickly found the chapter on silence curses, and by the looks of it, it was the only undamaged part of the book.

 Finally some good luck, I sighed in relief

It was handwritten and somewhat messy, but I found the chapter I'd been looking for nonetheless.

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