Chapter 24

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The end is coming.

It's just coming kinda slowly.

Richie's POV

I sighed, swimming to Pat's place. He maybe my patient, but sometimes he did most of the listening.

As I swam up to the door though, I thought heard laughter coming from inside. I frowned. Pat didn't often have guests over.

"Pat? Hey Pat?" I knocked on the door a few times.

After a few seconds, the door opened revealing my Flesh Drinker friend.

"Oh, hey Richie. Did we have a meeting today?" He asked scratching his neck.

"Uh yeah... we did. Are you ok? What'-" I glanced over his shoulder to spot a few other mers in the house. I looked back at the Flesh Drinker.

"Pat... why is the prince and his fiancé in your house?" I asked him. He grinned sheepishly.

"Hey he comes to crash here from time to time, his former fiancé is here because the king made him have to bring her with him, and-"

"Wait former? Does that mean?"

"Hi." A new voice cut through the water. I pushed past Pat to get a better look.

Sitting in the room was Lady Bri, two of her servants, and sitting right next to the prince was a mer, a mer I recalled seeing when I was a kid.

"Damn. You're Bryan." I said. He just nodded.

"Hmm. Ok. That I somehow both perfect, and disastrous at the same time. Real quick, were you two" I pointed between the promised pair. "responsible for the ocean lighting up a few days ago?"

"Yup. No idea how though, so please don't ask." Prince Jakey said.

"I don't need to, I know how it happened. Oh trident, Kay is goin-" I was cut off by Bryan.

"You know Kay? Kay as in Kayla?" He asked.

"Wait who's Kay?" Jakey said.

"Yeah Kay's my friend. She's one of the royal librarians now. She was your friend right?" I looked at Bryan, who nodded enthusiastically.

"Ok... ok maybe we should trade notes."

For the next hour or so, we discussed what has been going the last ten years. I then explained our current plan.

"So, actually as soon as we bring you to the king, Brandon should take over as King."

"Yeah Mario said something along those lines." Jakey said rubbing his head.

So we should bring him as soon as possible.

"So, what are we waiting for? Let's.... wait how long have you been here?" I looked over the group again.

"Two days." Bri said quickly. "And I'm seriously SICK OF IT! WHY ARE WE STILL HERE?"

"Because Bryan is terrified. Of course, of course. Ok... normally I would have a at least a year to do this. But we're on a schedule, we have grand max a week, but preferably two days.." I said, shooing Bri off the chair.

"Hey get your own chair!" She cried, still rising.

"Pat only owns one chair." I said plainly.

"What are you doing?" One of the servants asked, the one that was Bri's promised asked me.

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