Chapter 13

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This is fun. Writing this is fun.

David's POV

I groaned, waking up slowly.i instantly noticed that Lucas was already up.

That in itself was unusual as I was very much an early bird usual.

I had nightmares, that wasn't odd, but...

Last night was, unsettling to say the least. I shook my head, attempting to get the twisted images out my head.

Bryan, choking on nothing, suffocating away from water.

Mitch, surrounded by sharks, trapped, already bleeding.

Lucas chained to an underwater throne, struggling to escape, slowly drowning.

Mario screaming, screaming, screaming, begging me to help him, as a needle stitched his mouth close. The screams continued as his mouth stopped moving.

I shuddered. In all honesty, I was used to nightmares involving my brothers slow, and painful demise. I was protective for a reason.

But Mario... I felt sick remembering it. The screams started sounding like a much younger version of him, but evolved into the voice I'd started to grow fond of. It was much too realistic for comfort.

I walked out, neglecting to put a shirt on again. The crew was used to it, so it wasn't a big deal, I thought.

"Do you just not own any shirts?" I heard a voice snap at me. A voice that the second I heard, made me let out a sigh of relief. I turned to face the mer prince.

"I do. I don't just see the point of wearing them, it's hot out." I said, raising an eyebrow cheekily at his own clothes, that covered his entire body and must be overly warm. He huffed.

"Public decency?" He said glaring at me. Focusing on my face. I took the opportunity to study his lips. No scars whatsoever I noted with relief.

"Are you even listening?" He asked, snapping his fingers in front of my face. However, there was no anger in his voice.

"Hmm?" I hummed in response. He glared at me, and some of his hair fell into his face.

Out of habit, since I would do something similar with my brothers, I reached, brushing his hair out of his face, and slightly fixing his crown. My hand froze when I realized what it was doing.

"What?" He looked mostly confused, and delicately took my hand and oh god his hands look really fragile, moved it away.

We stared at each other for a few seconds, till we were interrupted by an awkward cough coming from Lucas. I realized a few of the crew were looking back and forth between me and Mario.

"Get back to work!" I snapped at them. They hurried off.

"So uhm, sorry to have bothered you two whilst you were having a moment." Lucas started, somehow managing to sound uncomfortable and teasing at the same time.

"Lucas you're dead to me." I said, in a monotone voice.

Glancing at Mario, he looked quite confused.

"But uhm, me and Mario talked last night, and I managed to figure something out... the thing is" he trailed off rubbing his head. "Mario's under a curse, to put it bluntly."

There was a pause.

"I'm sorry he's what?" I turned to see Bryan come closer. He worriedly put a hand on Mario's shoulder.

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