Chapter 22

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Here. Have some story

Inmo's POV

I hesitantly started to swim back home, glancing around again. Since yesterday everyone had been spending a lot of time outside, in case the water started glowing again. The king had apparently been furious to find no one knew which way the glow was coming from. I'd been on the other side of town, and I still heard his screams of fury.

I shuddered, remembering that Richie had been in the palace at the time.

Please be ok big bro.

"Inmo! Inmo wait up!" I paused, turning upon hearing Kay's voice.

She was swimming rapidly towards me, clutching a book to her chest. This wasn't unusual for her, but usually when she did this she looked worried.

This was not the case this time. A massive grin was plastered on her face.

"Kay? Is everything good?" I asked as she came to a stop in front of me.

"I got it! I figured it out!" She said, still beaming. I tilted my head at her, and she suddenly grabbed me.

"I'll tell you inside! Come on! Come on!" She said, dragging me towards the palace.

"Woah! Kay are you ok?! Seriously what the hex!" I said, trying to keep up with the excited mermaid. She may be small, but dang could she go fast!

"No time no time!" I blinked at her. I'd never seen Kay this happy, or free of worries. She'd been extremely scared of most things, especially the royal family since before I even met her.

We came to a stop in front of the palace gates, and she hurriedly pulled out her letter from Brandon. The guard quickly looked it over and nodded at us.

"Right go on in. But word of advice, avoid the throne room, there's a side way you should take. Left as soon as you enter, then take the first staircase, and just follow the hall till you get to the prince's room. It's longer, but safer. King isn't too pleased right now." He smiled kindly at us, and he had an accent. I glanced at his name tag. Williker.

"Thank you sir." I said smiling back.

Kay kept pulling me, and we took the roundabout way Williker had suggested.

"Brandon!" Kay shouted through the door, knocking aggressively.

The aforementioned prince slowly opened the door, and I noticed that Richie, Micheal and Xylo were already here.

"Uh... hi? Kay are you ok?" He said, looking over the grinning librarian. He seemed mildly scared of her.

"Great! I'm fantastic! And I figured it out!" She said swimming, dropping her book on the ground.

She started flipping through it. The rest of us looked at each other in concern.

"Xylo, I think your promised is broken." I said after a few seconds. He shook his head.

"Actually this feels really familiar... I'm pretty sure she used to act like this before Bryan disappeared. But... I'm not sure why she's so cheery now though..." he rubbed his head.

"Here it is!" Kay cried out. She'd opened her book to a page near the middle.

We all leaned over to see what she got so excited about.

Rules of Rulership.

If the ruler is deemed unfit for reason of cruelty against the people (for example, separating two promised from one another) the heir may take over the throne.

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