Chapter 9

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So you know how I said promise marks get itchy when your promised is worried? Xylo's stomach is often very itchy. 

I had a lot of fun writing Kay, and it's possible I projected on her a tiny bit

Kay's POV

I sighed, fiddling with one the books. I was still feeling slightly overwhelmed and mostly terrified.

I'm heading towards the Palace! Of the King! What am I thinking? I should dash, dash far faR AWAY. AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, IM GONNA DIE!!!

I took a deep breath trying to calm down. If not for my sake then at least for Xylo's.

Prince Brandon had asked us to come to the palace to help him study anything that maybe written down about the king whenever we could. He'd also asked me to grab some books about past kings (for some reason kings autocorrected to Kong's....) to help him figure out how to take over as king without killing his dad, but also without his dad's permission.

I sighed, I knew that Brandon was kind, but since Bryan disappeared, I'd been absolutely terrified of the royals.

I mean yeah, me and Bryan weren't super close friends. But we were study buddies! And school pals! And also kinda friends outside of school!

I stopped in front of the palace gate.

"What is your business in the palace..." the guard squinted at my badge. "Librarian?" He finished finally, letting himself sound smug once he knew my job.

That was an unusually long time to just look at my job badge. I thought frowning slightly, but answering at the same time.

"Prince Brandon invited me." I said plainly, not letting any worry seep into my voice

I pulled out the letter Brandon had written for all of us, and handed it to him.

He squinted at it for an unnecessarily long time.

Seriously what is talking him so long? Does he have bad eyesight or something?

It was pretty unlikely that they would hire a guard with bad eyes, especially eyes so bad that it was taking him this long to read a very short letter unless...

I looked over the guard again, taking his appearance in. Besides his uniform, we was also wearing a few fancy tail rings, and had a few fin piercings, the stones shimmering looked very real. He had some another fancy jewelry. Nothing you noticed at first glance but it was obvious he came from a richer family if you really looked

Unless his parents bought him into the guard. I inwardly rolled my eyes.

His parents are probably some sort of merchants, or something similar. They have a lot of money, but no official title. So they buy their son into a fancy palace guard position, despite his poor eyesight, a very well respected job, that could get them into the nobility without actually putting their son at risk. Smart in a stupid rich person way. And he doesn't get glasses not to tip off anyone that he didn't actually fully qualify for the guard.

I'm so glad my parents aren't like that.

I'm so glad Xylo's nothing like this guy.

"All right everything seems to be I order," he said "Prince's room is the first on the left up the stairs on the right when you follow the middle hallway." He winked at me and he continued "if you want I could escort you there, it can get pretty confusing." He grinned at me.

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