Chapter 10

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So yeah. This one took a bit longer.  It took me a bit to figure what to write. If it's shorter that's why.

Bryan's POV

I smiled as I dived deeper, staying under the boat.

I really missed this. I realized, a smile stretching onto my face.

I looked around, surprised at how clear everything was. Right. I have nightvision. I keep forgetting that.

I should probably head back now.

I sighed, kicking my tail to surge back towards the surface again.

As I popped my head out I heard someone call "oh never mind, there he is." I looked to up, seeing Mario and Lucas on the railing, Mario looking down at me, and Lucas calling to someone behind him.

A few minutes later I was back on the deck, a bit cold but grinning. David came over and put a blanket on my shoulders, whilst i was trying to put my feelings into words

"It's kinda like, you have had water recently but, Thanks David, but it didn't totally satisfy you and, and you just got your first real taste of proper water in years... you know?" I tried to explain to the crew. Most of them just looked confused and shook their heads.

"Uh ok well then it's-"

"It really doesn't matter what it feels like." Mitch cut me off, handing me a glass of water. "What matters is how happy you are right now."

I smiled at him. Mitch and I had always been closer than we were with Lucas and David. Both of us were somewhat as some point, strangers in our own family. And I knew Mitch had been through some terrible things as well.

"Actually, I'm curious about something, Bryan" Lucas said. He brought out a journal.

"Do you feel any better? Cause you look a heck of a lot healthier now."

I blinked a few times. "I do? Wait, did I look unhealthy before?"

"Nah, you looked fine, you just look better now." David said ruffling my hair.

"Huh... I think I feel... a bit less worried? Maybe a bit less tired too, and my muscles don't feel so stiff and sore, and my scales aren't itchy, my throat feels less dry too and...." I trailed off retreating into thought.

I don't think I ever realized how uncomfortable everything felt. I slowly starting realizing how much better my body felt.

My hair feels less heavy, my eyes don't burn so much, I'm pretty sure the world looks a bit less fuzzy, my legs feel so much better, my feet don't feel like they're bruised, I feel less out of breath, my arm still aches a bit, but not quite as much as it used to.

Was really in that much pain and didn't notice?

"Yeah, I feel a lot better actually..." I said finally.

Mario nodded. " I guess Mers can live on land, but it's not our natural habitat. I already feel kinda terrible, and I've only been out of the water a couple days. I can't imagine how uncomfortable you must have been, not really being in the ocean for 10 years." He looked off into the distance as he finished.

"Honestly I never really noticed, except for my feet, they always felt bruised, and still do actually."

"Well maybe if you wore shoes." David teased me. I pouted at him

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