Chapter 21

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Ok I have another story idea, with the origins crew.

An kingdom/fantasy au. Would anyone be interested in that?

If so I'll post the characters I've figured out so far.

Mario's POV

I groaned, waking up in the medical tent.

I noticed Bryan sitting nearby, and David standing over me.

"Well, this is seems a bit too familiar." I said, carefully pushing onto my elbows. A harsh headache suddenly shot through my head and I quickly closed my eyes.

I groaned and reached up to rub my head. "So what did I miss?"

"Hey Big Bro." My eyes shot opened when I heard my younger brother's voice.

Sure enough, Jakey was also sitting in the tent, his electric blue tail, having turned into legs, wearing baggy pants, of a slight darker shade of his tail. And like both me and Bryan, he wasn't wearing shoes.

I stared at him for a few seconds, thoughts running through my head.

"Jakey when did you get here?" I asked after a few seconds.

My little brother barked out a laugh. "Mario, you are truly great with words." He mocked me.

I stuttered, trying to find an answer. He continued laughing, and said. "I got here yesterday, after me and Bryan apparently lit up the ocean with lights." I blinked.

"Wait... THAT WAS YOU? HOW!?" I sat up looking between my brother and Bryan, who I now noticed was in fact sitting in Jakey lap. I studied the couple for a second, something seemed... well not wrong, but different about Jakey.

It took me a second to realize what it was. I haven't seen him this happy in ten years. And his promise mark was faintly glowing.

You look better little brother. He frowned at me.

We've discussed that I don't like you poking into my head.

"Fine. I'm sorry." I said to him. He grinned at me. "Thank you."

David looked between us, seeming quite confused.

"I'm lost." He declared finally. Jakey grinned.

"Mario, this is your promised? Seriously?" He looked between me and David.

I groaned, laying back down, burying my face in my hands.

"Bryan seriously?" I complained glancing between my fingers at the healer.

He didn't seem to be fully awake but he still shrugged at me. "Sorry..." he cut himself off with a yawn, leaning back into Jakey. After a few seconds, I sat up too look over, only to see that he'd fallen asleep.

"Why is he so tired?" I asked frowning at David, who merely shrugged.

"He spent like 5 hours stitching you back up. You reopened the deepest wound, and you managed to tear some but not all of the previous stitches. He had to take them out and start over." I blinked a few times at my promised.

"Ah... hm." I paused, letting that sink in for a few moments. I then realized something.

"Jakey you haven't answered my question. What did you that lit up the ocean?" I turned my attention back to my little brother.

"Honestly? No idea. I didn't even know the ocean was glowing cause I was too busy hugging Bryan. But Colin said the lights seemed to coming from us though." He explained, playing with Bryan's hair.

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