Chapter 3

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So far this was my favorite to write, though writing Bri comes in close second

This part also takes place quite a few week later. 

Also, Mers saying "overwater"  is just like humans saying "underwater"

Mario's POV

I groaned as I opened my eyes, then closed them again, the world was way to bright to be awake. "Stay still please." A marginally familiar voice instructed me, male from the sound of it and probably younger than me. I gladly complied.

Everything hurt, my head, my arms, my tai-...

Wait. Legs, not tail. WHAT THE

My eyes flew open and I tried to sit up to check, only to feel a hand slam down against my chest, holding me down. I gasped as it knocked my breath out of me.

"I did tell you to stay still." The voice from before reminded me. I looked around, trying to figure out what happened.

I was in a wooden room, overwater, the sun, much brighter than I'd ever seen it from under the sea, was shining through a circular window, which looking through, allowed me to figure out I was probably on a human boat. The room seemed to either be someone's living quarters or some sort of infirmary, or possibly both. 

The one who'd spoken to me was sitting right next to the bed I was laying on, he seemed to be squinting at my arm. He had chocolate brown hair, and hazel eyes, and was wearing a white jacket with black sleeves, and a red scarf, which was carefully turned out of the way, over his shoulder. 

He looked familiar.

My eyes drifted over to the other person in the room, also male, but much taller, and more muscular, the one who's hand was still resting on my chest, still holding me in place, had black hair and grey eyes. 

He also wasn't wearing any shirt to speak of, and his hair seemed slightly damp. He was looking at me curiously.

"You can move your hand now" I spat out. "I got the message, no moving."

He looked surprised and mildly amazed to hear me speak, and didn't seem to register what I said at all.

"Ah right. David, could you give me some space please? I'll call for you as soon as I'm done." The first boy said, smiling at the taller one "David", who nodded and left the room, still looking a bit dazed.

I turned my attention back to the remaining human, just as I felt a stab of pain in my arm. I let out a yelp of pain, and glared at the human, who I now noticed, was holding a small needle with some blood on it.

"Sorry! Sorry, sorry I promise that was the last one." He said placing the needle on a tray near my head and grabbing a roll of some sort of white fabric. He started wrapping my arm in it. 

As he did I noticed that other parts of me were also wrapped in the same fabric. As he reached past my head with his left hand, I noticed some sort of stain on it, specifically on one of fingers.

I've seen that somewhere before. I frowned as he grabbed something again trying to place him, I was sure I'd seen him somewhere before, but where would I have seen a human before?

I was brought back to reality when he spoke again.

"Ok there, done" he got up "don't lift anything too heavy, and definitely don't do anything that might reopen the wounds. Just take it easy for a few weeks, Prince Mario." He started toward the door.

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