Chapter 18

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A bit shorter I think. But I tried to throw in some fluff at the end. 


Brandon's POV

I woke up to a scream of fury.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY'RE BOTH GONE!?" I shuddered recognizing my father's voice. I'd never heard him with such anger in his voice.

I quickly threw some presentable clothes and swam to the throne room as fast as possible.

When I got there, I saw a guard trembling in front of my dad. He had dropped his spear and was looking down as my father glared at him.

"I... Prince Jakey was sighted o-outside the city yesterday... and no one has seen Prince Mario in almost a month. I-m... I'm j-just the messenger Your Majesty...." He whispered shaking.

"You are just one of the many failures in here." Dad said, raising his spear. The guard paled and started stammering out begs of mercy.

"Dad! Calm down!" I swam forward, placing myself between my father and the king. The king frowned at me.

"Brandon... step aside. Your brothers are missing. Someone must pay the price." He said raising the spear again.

I never understood why Father had a spear instead of a trident. In all the history books I studied so far the ruler was portrayed holding a trident. But dad had always had a spear instead.

I shook my head. "Dad, no. My brothers are fine. They're strong, and killing an innocent will do nothing to bring them back sooner. Jakey knows the wild better than anyone, he has spent most of the last 10 years in the wild. Mario is the strongest psychic in centuries. No one can hurt them. You have no right to injure any mer here." I held my head high, maintaining eye contact with him. Xylo and Inmo had been coaching me on confidence and leading people. Apparently Xylo was kind of second in charge of a squad of soldiers.

Dad was glaring at me, and I saw surprise in his eyes when I didn't back down. I could feel everyone in the room hold their breath. After what felt like an eternity, he lowered the spear.

"Very well. However I wish to speak to you in private later son." He said, still glaring at me. A sick twisted smiling appearing on his face "the king wishes to meet you later."

"If I recall correctly, the heir does not need to obey their parent. I have plans already made with some friends today. Perhaps I will have time tomorrow." That's something I learned from "The true Ruler's Power". I sighed, turning to the guard.

"You can leave now. Thank you." I said smiling at him. He looked absolutely stunned, and he bowed. "Thank.... thank you Your Highness." He said gratefully, swimming out of the room. I turned and returned to my room, ignoring my father's glare.

The second I got back into my room I collapsed on my bed, and started screaming into my pillow.


I sighed putting the pillow down. I picked up one of the books Kay left, opening at a random page and set to studying. The others, Micheal, Richie, Xylo and possibly Kay today, wouldn't be here for another few hours, and I wanted to get a head start.

Xylo's POV

I was nervous as I swam to Prince Brandon's room, according to one mer in my squad, Prince Brandon had an argument with the King this morning. Kay had to takeover at the library today, and that was probably a good thing. The king was livid, and she was probably too scared to come anywhere near the palace.

I knocked on the door, and he slowly opened it.

"Oh. Hey Xylo, come in."

"Hey... are you ok? I heard there was an argument this morning." I said hesitantly, swimming in and taking a seat on the carpet like I usually did. I took a book and opened it at the bookmark, still keeping my eyes on the heir.

"Yeah... I kinda.. well.." he started. When he finally found what to say however, another knock came from the door. He turned and opened the door.

"HEARD YOU SHOUTED AT YOUR DAD!" Ah... Richie is here.

"Richie. I love you, but shut up or I will sacrifice you." And so is Micheal.

"Hey guys." I said raising my hand at them.

Micheal and I knew each other from school. He had attended Royal Academy, transferring there two years after Bryan went missing. He'd also gotten there on a scholarship, like I had. And he still studied there now, since he was studying to be an advanced sea mage. I knew Richie and the rest of the gang cause they knew Micheal and went to the same school as Kay.

"Yeah... I mean. I didn't shout at him... but he was gonna...." he sighed and explained the situation to us.

"I... just wonder if I did the right thing. I feel terrified and maybe I should have stayed out of it, my dad wouldn't actually have.."

I nodded. "Brandon." I rose placing my hands on his shoulders "I know speaking up to someone you care about can be hard. I know what it's like to learn that someone you were supposed to trust is a completely different person, and a horrible one at that. And I know what's it's like to object decisions made by my superiors. But you did the right thing. You know the king wouldn't have hesitated to kill him. You saved not only a life but also a family. I know that soldier. His promised and him are expecting a kid. You did the right thing, you are a good person, and you're going to be a great king." I smiled at him, before pulling him into a hug.

I heard him breath deeply a few times, before hugging me back.

"Ok.. yeah.... group hug." Richie said, pulling Micheal over to join the hug.

"Xylo's right. It maybe hard to understand that your father is a bad person, after up you believed in him your entire life. And we're not asking you to suddenly understand and agree that he's a terrible person in a couple of days. You're trying, and that's what is important. And it's ok if you still love him. He's still family, if you chose to see up him in that light." Richie said, releasing the heir from our crushing group hug.

He then added jokingly. "Trust me. I'm a doctor"

Brandon blinked at him "you are? Really?" He asked, doubt apparent in his voice.

Micheal laughed, and I grinned as Richie gasped in indignation.

"Why yes! I am! I have a doctorate in psychology!"

".... Really?" Brandon still didn't look convinced.

As we laughed at Richie outrage, not one of us thought of the dark times the kingdom was in.

And none of us expected what happened next.

Yes I'm leaving it there. And I'm actually a tiny bit sorry because I know how long it will take for me to get to what happens next.

Spoiler it's at least two chapters.

Have a nice day.

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