(A/N) and other story idea

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So this story has gotten over 600 reads. 

So I believe I should thank you. I'm not really sure how so many people like my mediocre at best writing, but thank you.

Also some mentioned they would be interested in the kingdom/fantasy story. So here are the things I've figured out so far.

Somethings about this world: Most of the kingdoms disapprove of magic. SilverBell is the exception. Duals is slowly accepting magic as well. SilverBell has the most magical creatures 

LightDome is kinda a dystopian kingdom, but it looks like heaven from the outside.

SilverBell is a very woke kingdom.

LightDome keeps magical sentient creatures as slaves (for example elves, ents etc...)

From SilverBell

Jakey: prince of a violent and conquering kingdom, SilverBell, famously one of strongest fighter. His kingdom used to be very small but has expanded dramatically in the last 11 years, since they've conquered much land. He once stayed for several years in one of the neighboring kingdom, LightDome, with his father to negotiate an alliance when he was very young, and befriended the prince (Bryan). No alliance was formed between the kingdom's, but they have a no violence agreement. Kind, but a bit of a brat. Still misses his old friend. Is actually a good prince.

Kay: A highly competent soldier. Lieutenant of the guard. She is best friends with Jakey, and known to also be a very strong fighter. She often escorts merchant through other kingdoms, gathering information whilst doing this. Determined, but a bit socially awkward. Great hearing, she's an elf. Literally no idea how romance works.

Pat: A spy and occasionally an assassin. Close to the prince, and thanks to his shapeshifting abilities can easily penetrate other kingdoms. Very intelligent, but hesitant to do something without approval from the higher ups. Very aware of others opinions, but unless it's someone he knows, he just doesn't remember to care. However an insult from a friend can seriously hurt him sometimes.

Mitch: A healer. Also a magician. Yes he works multiple jobs. Knows the prince through Pat, whom he is friends with. He is aware of feelings, but prefers not to mess with them. Aka he knows what happiness is, but he don't remember how to use it. Still a good friend and often knows just what to say, if it's too comfort someone, or belittle them.

From Duals

Brandon: one of the two princes, older twin. He's more of the people's guy, and he lets his brother take care of the financial and political side of things. Kind, social boy, but can sometimes be unaware of others feelings. Is kinda friends with Jakey. But just like a tiny bit. Since the kingdom of Duals is one of the largest, has met most of the other royalty. Rotten fighter.

Richie: Second of the two princes. Much less social than his brother. But can still hold his own in a conversation. Good at academics but can be kind of dense when it comes to anything other than books. Fascinated by magic, but has no clue how to use it.

Yuki: cousin of the princes. Kind, but many think she isn't bright. This is wrong, she merely enjoys tricking people into believing what she wants them to think. Kinda sadistic, but not a bad person. Was briefly engaged to the prince of LightDome, before realizing he is very gay, and very not interested in being anything other than friends with her. Is fine being just friends with him. Is a pretty skilled illusionist, but very few know that.

Xylo: a scholar, and an ambassador. Dislikes Jakey since it's very hard to negotiate with his kingdom. Considers SilverBell to very odd, since they are more accepting of most things there, but not bad. Still finds it frustrating. Likes LightDome, and can't see how terrible it actually is. Smart but dense. Still not mean.


Bri: Princess of the kingdom, kind and has good intentions, but easily manipulated and lied to about everything except about her Brother. Knows Bryan very well, better than he thinks. Does sometimes stalk people she finds intriguing, and is very good at stealth. She can hold her own in a fight, but prefers peace over war. Dislikes SilverBell because her mom told her to.

Bryan: prince of LightDome. Dislikes his mother, and is very disliked by not only his mother but also most of the noble and rich population of the kingdom. Beloved by the poor. Refuses to talk to spite his mother, since the royal family of LightDome is renowned for their beautiful voices. Misses his childhood friend, Jakey, a lot, but refuses to complain as it would give his mother satisfaction. A kind person, but extremely stubborn. Is very good at any type of light and shadow magic, despite his kingdom's hatred of magic. Has a scar on his left cheek curving up to just above his left eye, making him partially blind, given to him by his mother, when she found he was practicing magic.

Jon: A jester for the royal family, is one of Bryan's few friends, kind but mischievous. Is a tiny bit insane. Also a great builder and inventor. Loves making people laugh, especially his friends. Is possibly the only who can get Bryan to smile nowadays.

Mario: Bryan's bodyguard, and is supposed to spy on him for the queen. Doesn't because he knows Bryan hates his mom. Also knows Shadow Magic, from watching Bryan, and also studies it. Is friends with Bryan, and with Bri. Occasionally will give Bri info about Bryan (if she pays). Comes from a poor family and the only reason he took a job in the temple was to help his family. Has a little sister named Daisy. Loves gardening. Strong willed but kinda shy.

The story would probably start cause a festival of kingdoms is being held by LightDome, or something like that

So yeah. I want there to be at least one other kingdom, but I don't know what to call it, or who to put in it.

So if anyone has any suggestions, please comment. If anyone has a better idea for a character I already wrote, please tell me, I honestly put the most thought into SilverBell, and LightDome kinda formed to be an opposite of SilverBell.

 So yeah, thanks for reading.

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