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           Oh shit. I look at the man I spilt my Mimosa on. He's looking at me with an angered expression. I can tell how pissed off he is. Besides that, this man is gorgeous. His baby blue eyes look so angry and his sharp chiselled jaw is set so tight. His hair is styled in a haphazard fashion that looks ridiculously good on him. I finally stop eye fucking the fine specimen of a man and pay attention to the mess I've made. I guess IT IS a pretty costly suit. My God, I'm so embarrassed.
          "I'm So So Sorry Mr..Um... I'm sorry, "I'm blushing with embarrassment and with the way he's looking at me, I just want to crawl up into a hole and die. I see what seems like a flicker of interest in his eyes, but then it's gone in an instant. Almost like I imagined it.
             "Couldn't you at least watch where you're going? look at this mess, shit!" he grumbles some more about my clumsiness and swears under his breath. I frown at how rude he is and glance at my friends who all just shake their heads. Christy and Olive are openly eyeing and drooling at him while Sasha is getting us some more shots. Probably oblivious about the situation I'm in.
             "Hey, I said I was sorry. It Was an accident you know?"I mean sure I messed up his suit but I didn't do it on purpose.
          "SORRY isn't gonna fix my suit, do you know how expensive this suit is?" he gives me a cold assessing stare," Or not" he spits out.
            Oh hell no. Now he's just getting me pissed."Oh, I'm sorry your highness, should I courtesy?" I ignore the insult from him and raise a brow in question."I apologized, you don't have to be an asshole about it"
         Sasha looks over at us, assesses the situation and quickly hurries to my rescue before I make things worse for all of us.
         She pretends to trip over her own feet as she approaches us,  "we're so sorry, it was My fault. I bumped into her. You know these shoes, my friends made me wear, I'm just not used to high heels yet.we're so sorry"
            Sasha drags me by the arm until we are far away from the man.
             "Damn that man is hot and I didn't see a ring on his finger or maybe its because I didn't look hard enough?"Olive pretends to fan herself.
         "Yeah, maybe I didn't even think about any ring. I'm pretty sure even if he was married I'd let him take me as his side piece. I couldn't stop drooling"Christy sighs.
         I glare at them both, "At least now I know what you two were doing while I was getting embarrassed. And by the way, he's a snob. Don't even think about it."I give my friends an exasperated look.
          " Oh come on don't look at us like that. You KNOW he's hot. Besides, you'll probably never see him again anyway."Olive tries to make me feel better. which I appreciate.
           "Or you just want him to yourself" I grunt at Sasha's absurd accusation and just choose to ignore them as we move closer to the crowd of dancing bodies. Olive throws her hands up in the air and exclaims,
           "Oh what the heck let's dance!"
She drags us to the dance floor when City Girls' Twerk blasts through the speakers. I lose myself in the music as we dance. Dancing always relaxes me. I love to dance. The thrill of it is amazing. Almost like alcohol but without the high risk of liver damage. I have always been good at dancing. I attended dance classes during my summer vacations back in high school. But I stopped once my Mom's addiction caused us to be short on money, She used up every bit of money we had on drugs. She had been taking them ever since our Dad left. We didn't have the money to buy us a decent meal, clothing and much less money to waste on expenses like dancing. So I stopped attending dance lessons and did what every teenager would do. I looked for a job. I got to work in a restaurant to save up some money for college and that's where I met Jack. At that time I was so depressed, things were so ugly in my life but Jack was like a father to me, he didn't judge me. He helped me through everything and I loved and respected him very much. He helped me Pay for my therapy for my depression and helped me through everything else. He means so much to me and I owe him. When Mom worsened, Jack took me in, helped me complete high school and took me to college.
              After dancing, and after my friends get themselves drunk, I haul a taxi to take us home. On our nights out, I am always the sobber one, nothing goes well if all four of us get drunk. I honestly didn't know what we four would do without each other...
                DAMON'S POV
       I get up from my chair and call to Stevie, the Bartender.
"Whatsapp boss" he gives me a worried expression.
"Did you see where that Brunet went?"
Stevie gives me a curious look. I never asked about the personal details of customers so this was a first.
          "Yes, sir she just left with her friends."
Damn it."Do you know anything about where she's from or works?"I clear my throat feeling uncomfortable. I never feel uncomfortable. I didn't even know why I wanted to know more about that woman.
"Her friends kept taking shots of vodka. They didn't say much I only heard some parts of their conversation. Her name is Polly prince sir"
I didn't want employees chattering too much about this so I let it drop. Her name was enough. I will find her.No matter what it takes...

RESISTING THE BILLIONAIRE  (Completed But Under Editing) Where stories live. Discover now