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"Don't forget, Beautiful sunsets need cloudy skies."
- Paulo Coelho

Polly looks gorgeous. She's wearing a pretty and short yellow sundress with white sandals. Her hair is flowing down her back and I can't help but feel content when I hold her hand in mine.
I'm beginning to think I won't be able to let her go. But then again I can't allow myself to fall in love with her.
I look over at her and she's deep in thought as she appraises the shelter. I know it's a bit much, but I want everyone who lives in this place to experience everything they never had a chance to.
Gisa and Debra come over and smile warmly. As usual, Gisa pats my cheek lovingly and then looks over at Polly who is being ushered away by a cheery Debra." About time you visited. I was beginning to think you were waiting on my funeral for you to show up" she looks at me accusingly. Gisa is a tough old bird so I wasn't worried in the least. So I just laugh and shake my head at her, "Well hello to you too"
"How have you been?" she smiles at me and the laugh lines around her eyes crinkle.
"I've been great as you can see I have a lot left in this gorgeous bod" At this I give a full-blown belly laugh. Gisa shushes me and drags me where Polly is.

Just then Zack rushes towards me while favouring his injured limb. I quickly pick him up and tickle him, making him squeal in my arms, "Cut it out! Ok! Uncle! uncle!" I stop tickling him and watch the smile on his face grow bigger, "You promised me a tux Damon." he pouts at me and I chuckle, putting him back down. Then I ask the nanny to bring the tux for him. I look over at Polly who is listening intently as Gisa tells him little Zack's story.
Zack's father was an abusive and mentally unstable man but no one knew that until he finally killed his wife by stabbing her countless times with a knife. After he was done, he reached for his eight-year-old, who was yelling for help and trying to get away from his mad father. His leg was badly stabbed on his escape but the neighbours arrived in time to save the boy. I heard about him from a cousin of mine, Blake who works as a lawyer. I found Zack and made sure he received the best help possible. He now goes through some psychological help and sees a physiotherapist once in a while.
After some discussions with his doctors, I find out that Zack was doing fairly well. He's a fighter. And so was everyone in this shelter.
After giving Zack his Tux, I and Polly take part in some games and activities before we decide to go back to our hotel. I say goodbye to Gisa and Debra who have taken a keen liking to Polly. I sense there curiosity but I don't tell them anything as I put my palm on her back and lead her towards the car.


We get home and I suprprise myself when I say, "My mother is in an asylum. Dad put her there"
I don't look at Polly as I say this. I don't want to see the look of pity on her face so I hold off looking at her till I finish. Somehow I feel I owe her this, she's opened up to me and I feel it's only fair. Another part of me wants her to understand how I am the way I am.
I exhale loudly and continue, My Father can be... Difficult. He claims to have changed but I haven't been home for over 20 years so I wouldn't know"
I put my hands in my head as I feel my heartache from the memory, "My Father is a workaholic, a bad one. He was a perfectionist too so that made us children be at the receiving end of his anger. He hit us.. a lot. But when he tried to hit Ireen we protected her. So he hit us instead. Mason never cried. He just lay there and took the blows. Me? I'd yell insults at him till he Left Mason alone and hit Me instead. I didn't mind. Better me than them." I shift on the bed uncomfortably and look at the ceiling anything to not look over at Polly. And it's like she seems to understand because she doesn't push me or anything. She just sits there and listens.
"The abuse went on, but he only hit us where the media couldn't take photos. He loves his reputation more than anything.
After some years, I and Mason left for college while ireen left for boarding school. What I didn't think would happen was my Father abusing my Mother. She didn't hit her. She just drove her fucking crazy, he called her all sorts of names and accused her of shit she didn't do. My mother wasn't perfect either, she cheated on him, Dad was so mad he spiked my mom's drink to stop her from leaving the house. What he didn't know was that she was planning on driving later in the day When he wasn't around. So when she got way and was on the road she..." I choke back a sob and clear my throat, "if I had been there.."
I blink and I'm surprised to feel teardrop only
onto my hand. Fuck I raise my hand to wipe it away but a soft hand reaches out and touches wipes them for me." it wasn't your fault Damon. Your Dad made some mistakes. So did your mom. You do too. Stop blaming yourself" she says this so softly it calms me down a little.
I don't respond right away though, "My Mom got into an accident that day, the drugs plus the brain damage yielded enough results to take her to a mental hospital. She couldn't remember anything. And when she did, she got violent. Its been 7years now. But I still have hope"
I look over at Polly and she has tears streaming down her face, and I almost get angry at her for pitying me before she speaks," I'm sorry.." she sniffles and wipes away some tears, "I'm not pitying you by the way. Your Dad is an asshole and your Mom was unfaithful everyone makes mistakes and you can' change anything that happened. But can't you see? All that made you who you are today. You're a good Man Damon. And what you do for those people at the shelter" She looks down at her hands and shakes her head."You're amazing" She looks up at me and she looks even more gorgeous with her tear-streaked face.
She wipes her tears away and gives me a watery smile. And it's like something in me clicks into place, I love her. I can deny it all I want, but she's everything to me now. but I'm not letting this woman go for a quick fuck. She deserves so much more than that. I'd be a fool not to fight to keep her.
Before thinking too much about It, I pull her to me before I sit her on my lap and kiss her.

RESISTING THE BILLIONAIRE  (Completed But Under Editing) Where stories live. Discover now