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"Well, I need money. I gave birth to you and the least you could do is make your mother happy. Look at your sister she takes care of me. But life has been so hard on both of us and you forgot about us." I sigh in exasperation and clutch my bag tighter on my shoulder. Damon and I just finished our final business deal in Hawaii and we were on our way to our room to change before my mother called, demanding
for money.Which she will definitely be spending on drugs, "Mom I don't have money right now I'll send some when I get paid."
"Well you had better, the only thing you're good for is spreading your legs." She huffs, "I heard you're sleeping with your boss. You little slut.You're a whore, just like your Father. Make yourself useful and send some money soon. You're already spreading your legs. Just don't do it for free this time "She ends the call and I feel the tears coming on but I wield myself to not cry in public. Damon finishes talking to the restaurant manager and his eyes show his concern. He probably tells I need some privacy and quickly ushers us away from the restaurant. We get to our room and he sits us on the couch, " You ok?"He squeezes my hand lightly and places a kiss on my forehead. My heart warms at his concern and I look into his gorgeous face, "It's my mother."With that, Damon keeps silent and rubs my back reassuringly as he listens to me talk. Once I'm done, his face hardens,
"I'm sorry, has she tried rehab?"
I snicker bitterly at the thought of my mother even considering rehab. Honestly, the mentioning of rehab to my mother is a waste of time." She's not looking to escape the hold of the drugs. She welcomes it"Damon is silent for a while before he exhales and places his face in my neck "My sister is an alcoholic. She started once she found out she was adopted. Honestly, at first, I thought she was just lashing out on my Father because she felt betrayed. But then again Ireen loves attention and she got a lot of it from my family because of all the noise she was making," I'm trying so hard to concentrate on what he is saying but now he is rubbing circles with his thumb the back of my neck, "I had finally had enough of her antics and finally gave her an ultimatum."
"Which was?"
"If She continued being immature about the whole thing and tries to drink herself stupid all the damn time, I was going to stop giving her money. I would have made sure no one in the family gave her money. She refuses to work a day in her life so my threat got to her so she agreed to rehab."
"Well, I hope she moves on past all that. She probably felt lied to and betrayed. From what you've told me about her, she probably felt like a charity case."
Damon seems genuinely confused at this, "Why? She knows she isn't one"
I shake my head at him, "I know how it feels to be the odd one out. My mother never loved me. She says I remind her of my Father and I should have left with him."I smile sadly at his Dark look, "I'm not upset about it, I might not remember much about my Father, But I do look like him in most ways. Mom says he fell in love with her sister"
Damon winces, "Ouch"
"Yeah...Sometimes I feel like my sister enjoys the little sick game she does. Seducing all the ex-boyfriends I ever cared about just to prove that she has always been better looking than me. It's funny that she hates my Dad for leaving us for another woman when she kind of does the same thing to me"
Damon chuckles, "She's probably just jealous. You're hot and sexy. She feels threatened by you."
I ignore the little skip my heart does at the compliment and consider what he says for a little while, Chelsea has been mean ever since Dad left I have never known the reason but I have a feeling my question would only be responded to with a Chelsea Prince signature eye roll. Damon moves his thumb to my exposed thigh. I manage not to moan at the sensation, "Maybe..."
"Do you hate him?"
"My Dad? No. He's not worth it. Even when he was married to my Mom, He was never much of a Dad. Jack is the only Father I have ever had."
"Who? I don't believe you have mentioned him." I chuckle lightly and proceed to tell him about him. The next few hours are spent with us laughing and teasing touches from Damon.
Hours later, we stumble through the door and Damon pins me to the door. I can't explain the hot surge of lust that's rolling through my body as Damon burns me with his kiss.
After having some lunch, Damon took me kayaking and after that, I spent hours of the evening sitting around a bonfire with Damon, I opt learning the hula dance. I wore a kahiko and finally convinced Damon to dance with me. I laughed at his attempt at a hula dance but he simply grinned and shrugged, "I own this dance and I am not ashamed of it"It was true, and the point was emphasized when some girls kept eyeing Him. I shot them scorching looks and after Damon notices he grins as I send him an eye roll, "You do not need to be jealous"
"Pfft I'm not jealous" His grin grows wider and he leans down to whisper in my ear, "You're hotter when you're jealous but you're the only woman worth all my attention "I shiver from the proximity and his woody delicious scent. I blush at the compliment and a sliver of satisfaction courses through me with his declaration, before I could respond, Damon has my lips locked in a toe-curling kiss. One hand grips my hair while the other cups my ass tightly. I moan and Damon growls at the sound before releasing my lips and drags me from the ceremony," No one hears those sounds from that sexy mouth except me".
And that's how we end up kissing each other as our lives depended on it. He nips at my lips and I moan as he sucks on my tongue. Damon lifts me off the floor and instantly, my legs are wrapped around his waist. I'm so drunk on lust that I don't notice when the kahiko and my clothes are removed from my body. He lowers me to the bed as our kisses turn feverish. He leaves my mouth and nips at my ear lope as his hand grips one my leg to make room for his body between my legs. He removes both his and my shoes, tossing them to who knows where and finally he takes off his shirt. Holy shit. I gasp at his glorious sculpted chest and defined abs and run my hands over them. I reach over and lick his neck and he growls and grips both my hands in his large left hand, "Fuck Polly I can't deal with your teasing tonight. I want to fuck you. I won't force you so tell me to stop if you don't want this because my self-control is hanging onto a thin thread right now"
Damon moves a little space away from me but still grips my hands above my head. My body shivers at the loss of his body heat and It's raked with another shiver once I see how Damon eyes my boobs hungrily. They instantly perk at the attention and I jerk my hips wanting him closer.
My voice if unrecognisable when I give him the permission he needs, "Yes Damon. Fuck I want you so much"
That's all it takes Before Damon takes off his shorts and a mouth-watering sight greets me. Oh my...

RESISTING THE BILLIONAIRE  (Completed But Under Editing) Where stories live. Discover now