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"I love you, and that's the beginning and end of everything"
-R Scott Fitzgerald

Damon holds my hand as we walk down the beach. There's a comfortable silence as we watch everyone else at the beach walk past us. I look up at him and find him looking at me. His stare is so intense that I feel like he's looking through me and into my soul.
For a moment I'm afraid of what he might find there. He pulls me to his chest as a child almost runs into me.
"Thanks" he just shrugs but doesn't let go of my waist. He brushes aside one loose strand of hair from my face and leans down to kiss me. I don't know what happens next but I'm soon being lifted off the ground I'm so lost in his eyes that I don't notice when he drops me in the ocean. The cold water touches my skin and I gasp, I hear Damon's laughter ring out and I forget about the whole thing. Luckily Damon suggested we take off our shoes as soon as we got to the beach, so I don't have to worry about them being soaked. My poor dress is though, but I stop worrying about the water when I look over at Damon. He's now wheezing which has me laughing as well.
We are both laughing hysterically when an old couple walks by. They both smile fondly at us and the woman looks over to me and asks, "How long have you been married?"
I almost choke on my laughter in surprise at the same time Damon stops laughing. Then we both let out a rushed answer, we're not married". Like an idiot I continue blurting out more things like, "we're not even together, we don't even like each other like that." I blurt out more words that honestly, Don't even get registered by my ears.
The old man looks crestfallen and Damon is blushing like hell. This makes me take a double-take, but then he's running his hands through his hair and mutters something before walking off.
I zone out for a minute before being brought back to reality when the old lady says,".....He like you, a lot" I raise my brows at this and look over where Damon is talking on the phone.
"How can you tell? He's very hard to read." I shake my head in disbelief. "Oh trust me dear" she waves a wrinkly hand through the air, "My Gerald was the same way with me when we met. Stubborn and as proud as a peacock" The old man scoffs but smiles fondly at his wife."But he likes you. Just don't give up on him. My name's Lillian by the way."Lillian smiles at me and pats my hand.
I shake my head at the couple and smile at them. Maybe Damon does like me. But why doesn't he say it?
After exchanging numbers with Lillian and Gerald, I go over to Damon who's sitting on the sand looking over at the sunset. I sit down and sigh at the beautiful sight.
"Beautiful" I whisper looking over at the beautiful shades of red, yellow and orange.
"yes, you are" I look over at Damon and find him looking at me. His eyes are filled with emotion but I can't tell what. And before I can find out, he closes his eyes and takes in a deep breath, facing away from me.
I don't know what comes over me when I start telling Damon about Mark. But as soon as I start, I don't stop. Damon listens as I speak, he doesn't say anything but there is no judgement in his eyes so I continue talking.
I met Mark in College. Honestly, at first, he didn't' interest me in the slightest. He was skinny, with mousy brown hair. He didn't talk much except when he wanted to say something. But he kept asking me out until I finally gave in. Then I started to like how he showed interest in me. He was genuine. My previous boyfriends
were all assholes honestly. And I thought Mark was sweet. He called all the time and was very protective of me.
A year later we started Dating and then everything changed. I found out his protective streak was only him being possessive. It was so infuriating sometimes but I always ignored it. He started getting angry all the time.
Halfway through our relationship when he found me studying with Rolland, my friend from college, he dragged me home, spitting profanities at me, calling me a whore. And that's when the abuse started. Our sex became inconsistent and he blamed it on me saying I was boring in bed. Honestly, I was just going through my relationship numb. I don't know why I didn't leave him then. I noticed the inconsistent phone calls and that he suddenly seemed to be always busy. But I didn't think much about it.
I lived with Sasha, Olivia and christy at the time and they all hated Mark. Christy once called him a sleazy bastard and Olivia suggested he was cheating on me. I laughed at her and said it was All rubbish. I always defended him no matter what. He never came to my apartment, so the day he told me he was sick I went to bring him soup and some medicine when I found him fucking my sister. Honestly, that was what opened my eyes to how badly I was being treated. So I walked away. Mark tried to reach me but I changed my phone number. I never even tried to reach him again.
I finish explaining this to Damon and I feel something wet running down my face. I touch it and realize that I've been crying. I'm suddenly pulled into a crushing hug by Damon and I relax instantly.
"He's an asshole and didn't' deserve you. I swear when I get my hands on that little rat I'm gonna kill him, And no offence but your sister is a bitch."I chuckle lightly at his assessment of my sister," None taken"
My heart warms his words because no one except Christy, Olive, Sasha and Jack have ever been there to defend me. I release an ugly sob and I'm ashamed to say that Damon lifted me into his arms and cradled me.
That night I fall asleep in his arms.

RESISTING THE BILLIONAIRE  (Completed But Under Editing) Where stories live. Discover now