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"Well it may have escaped your notice,but life isn't fair"
-Severus Snape-

Weeks go by and I busy myself with new designs for the firm.
I haven't seen Damon once, when I ask Serina, my new friend from the modeling department,if she has seen Damon lately,I learn he's been out of the country doing "business".
I'm kind of bothered that I was the last to know about this but whatever it's not like I cared. Pffft. It's not like I missed him. I didn't miss how he teased me during board meetings or how he always made sure a coffee got delivered to my office every morning (it's still being delivered by the way) or how he always smirked at me when I scowled at Stella,his PA for flirting with him. No really I didn't miss him at all.


"Miss Prince you're needed in Mr Walker's office."
I manage to hide my surprise at Stella's sudden appearance. She's frowning at me.
"Oh did he just get back?"I asked innocently enough.
Stella just scowls at me and walks away.
"Who pissed in her cereal this morning"
I chuckle and turn to Bret whose trying not to smile.
"No idea" I shrug and make my way toward Damon's office. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. I haven't seen him in weeks and I don't know what to expect.
I knock on his door and as soon as I'm told to come in, I do so in a hurry.
Damon is on the phone and he is facing the window. He turns to me and his face gives nothing away.
"Miss Prince I believe you are well?" He asks politely as she ends his call. Its so formal that I begin to wonder if he missed me at all.

Don't delude yourself of course he didn't.

"Yes sir I'm very well thank you. How about you"
He waves his hand dismissively, "I could be better but let's get straight to the point shall we" He smiles and there is nothing pleasant about it.
"I need you to pack some clothes we're going to the kalalau beach in Hawaii next week for some photo shoots and I need your profesional opinions on some matters. We'll be staying there for a 3 days"
"Are you serious? Can't you ask anyone else?"
His facial expression turned cold,"No miss Prince I specifically asked for you"
"If this is another plot to get me in your bed..." He cuts me off before I even finish.
"Miss Prince, I don't care what you think of me. You were hired for your brain and not your pussy. Believe it or not I will not force any woman into my bed. You've made it perfectly clear that you don't want me and I respect that. I promise to keep things professional between us."
I blush furiously as he gets up from his chair his cold gaze on Me ," I will not touch you or attempt anything with you, you've embarrassed me enough as it is I will not beg for you Polly. I don't beg. You might be attractive but I won't be made a fool of" he shrugs on his jacket and reaches for his phone as I bite my lip. I'm probably as red as a tomato right now.
"My driver will pick you up Next week,early Monday morning. This isn't a charity miss Prince, so I expect you to work for your pay. Excuse me I need to make a call."
He goes to stand over the window,silently dismissing me.
I want to apologize but I don't know what I'd be apologizing for.
Afraid I'll say something I'll later on regret,I grab my notepad and pen and leave his office.
As soon as I sit at my desk,Bret sees the state I'm in and offers to cover for me as I take a breather.
Well shit now that Damon wanted nothing to do with Me,I didn't know how to feel. I should be relieved.Right? But I feel horrible. I'm so confused.i needed a drink and some girl talk.
I grab my coat and leave the office .I'll just come in earlier tomorrow to cover for lost time.

"What you need is some dick"Sasha says enthusiastically.
Christy throws Sasha a nasty stare as a guy near our table chokes on his drink.
"Can you please keep it down? We don't need you getting us kicked out"
"Oh please"Sasha rolls her eyes,"Like none of these people in here aren't here to have a one night stand.its a f*cking bar Christy"
Olive chuckles,"She does have a point you know"
Sasha grins and they clink their glasses.
"So what happened to that sexy model,what's his name?Jack?Jake?" Sasha raises a brow at Christy. Who averts her eyes to the tattooed bartender who is serving some blonds at the far end of the counter.
"Nothing.we fucked that's it" she gulps down her drink with vigour.
"You wanna talk about it" I ask gently. Christy is the most emotional in our group but she hides it pretty well.
"Nah I'm fine.it is what it is"she shrugs like it's no big deal. We let it drop because we know Christy will open up at her own time.
I explain my dilemma to the girls and they tell me to just let things be.
"But why can't you just sleep with him and get it over with. I mean when's the last time you had sex?Like seriously. Your Vagina will probably shrivel up and die. Honestly if a man looked that good, I'd hump him like a horny dog"
The guy who got up to leave trips over his feet and spills his drink. He quickly hurries away blushing furiously, probably embarrassed. I smile humourously. Honestly Sasha had no filter. She cursed like hell and it was quite amusing to watch people handle her personality.
I sober up pretty quickly after registering what sasha just said"No guys I can't sleep with him.Damon is like candy. Tastes good, but bad for my health."
They glance at each other, "Alright then just forget about him, we'll help you look for a quick lay then."
Before I can protest, I'm dragged off by Olive,Sasha and Christy to pick up a guy.

well shit .

RESISTING THE BILLIONAIRE  (Completed But Under Editing) Where stories live. Discover now