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       I just finish signing the documents as Heather comes back to the room, but she's back with 2 plates of I don't know what. I look at her perfect make up and fake blond hair and wonder how I almost married her, her perfection is almost robotic. What used to appeal to me now only either annoys me or creeps me out. "I made you some breakfast" I roll my eyes at her failed act of friendliness, "I sent your clothes to get cleaned, I need that shirt before you leave, and can you please stop acting like we do this every day. Just say whatever the hell you want to say and get the hell out of my life for good. She winces but apparently what I said wasn't enough to deter her as she sits down, "Damon don't be like that, we're good together and you know it, your Father knew it too. I love you and I'm willing to wait till you realize it. Just don't push me away because you want to have a fit or because you are afraid to love me." I cock my head at her and snort, "You talk so much shit I'm surprised you can't taste it yet. I honestly don't know how you do not understand that I do not feel anything for you. I don't even hate you. You're just some woman I made the mistake of almost marrying." She frowns and shrugs, "Damon I love you, does that not mean anything to you? I mean really, you're not someone who anyone loves easily" I think back to Polly and wonder how she feels about me. I have tried to avoid her but on some days it's hard. I hate that I have to be an asshole to her when all I want is to see her smile. More importantly, I want her to be happy and know that I'M the one who put that smile on her face. I want her to be happy but I am too broken to love her. She deserves someone who will know how to love her. I can't romance her or anything, I 'm all wrong for her. Polly deserves her own family, one that will love her and depend on her, seeing as the only biological family she has left is complete shit.

        I sigh and pinch the bridge between my nose, irritable with Heather's complaining. Honestly, she acts like a child sometimes, "look, Heather, I didn't force you to fuck Carl. You did all on your own for several months even when you knew he was my best friend and business partner. As if that wasn't enough, you stole all my money and divorced me on TV, so excuse me for thinking that you are a twisted, cold hearted, double crossing bitch." She exhales, "Look Damon, I don't blame you for hating me, but it wasn't entirely my fault you know? you never paid any attention to me. You were always working, I hardly saw you it was like you were practically married to your job and not me, and when I told you I wanted a baby, you freaked out! I kept quiet about it and didn't mention it again. But by then the damage was already done, you had shut me out! its like 'baby 'was a trigger word for you or something. Look, can't we just work it out. I'm sorry for what I did. Can't we just... move past it and see where life leads us?" I look at her and see the kid who looked up to me for everything. I remember her looking at me with stars in her eyes. I don't remember there being a time when she didn't have them. I protected her always. She was my best friend. Then she was my wife, but I still saw her as Heather, my little blue birdy I loved her only as a sister but my Dad had me convincing myself otherwise. Mom disagreed with Dad over everything, which was why he wasn't too happy when she found out that my Dad arranged wife for me. I didn't really mind. Heather's Dad was as big headed as my Father, he even beat up Heather pretty bad occasionally. I had to save her from him otherwise he would have killed her or worse, raped her. I had to figure out a way to save us both so I married her but the thought of sex with Heather irked me, so when she mentioned having a baby, possibly babies, I freaked out. I mean why wouldn't I? My little sister wanted to have sex with me. I wondered if I had been giving her the wrong impression from the start. I had never told her I loved her. Well, not like that, so I did the only thing I know how, I shut her out. I didn't know she'd fuck my best friend in the process.

        My phone rings and I'm informed that Heather's clothes have been cleaned. I exhale loudly and face her, "Look Heather, you were my friend, my first best friend and my little sister. I didn't love you, well not like that. I'm really sorry I didn't love you the way you deserved to be loved. I couldn't and can't see you like that. Worse, I don't know what love feels like. I don't think I'll ever find out. You fucked me over , there is no going back from that." Heather wipes her eyes and swallows," I'm sorry Pilot" I sigh at the mention of her nick name for me and I suddenly feel bad for how things ended. She looks so small siting there crying that most of the hate I've been harboring dissipates. I beacon her over to me and hold her as she soundlessly sobs in my lap, "Come on birdy. You're stronger than that. It's ok." I rub her back slowly as she calms down. Her voice Is unsure when she asks, "Can we at least be friends? I miss you"

I sigh and nod my head, a part of me really did miss her, "yeah. i missed you too." I feel her shoulders slump, "How's Lucas"

"He still hates you"

She sighs loudly, "Damn ok. Well I did fuck up."

"yeah, you really did"

"Geez, rub it in why don't you asshole" I find myself laughing before I can catch myself.

"Ok Pilot, now who's the lady friend that walked in on me cooking in the kitchen?"

My laughter dies instantly as horror shoots through me.


RESISTING THE BILLIONAIRE  (Completed But Under Editing) Where stories live. Discover now