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                     I place my shaking hands into my pockets and try to take in deep breaths to calm myself down. The fact that Polly believes that I thought of her as my whore pisses me off. I'm mostly pissed at myself for letting her avoid me this whole time, but again I know she needed time to cool off from everything that happened. I know she's been crying a lot. Well at least I've been told so by the tag team of angry ladies that visited my office yesterday, " You eggplant sucking mother sleeper" where the first words that greeted me when I looked up from starring at the picture of Polly lying peacefully on my lap, from my phone. I hardly heard them enter the office. I've been spacing out so much lately. Only to snap at the person who would try to pull me back to reality. I tried to mask my slight amusement and bafflement at Christy's 'almost cussing'. But then my greatest concern is the horde of angry women in my office. Queen Crazy (Sasha), Miss awkward (Christy) and Mama Dinosaur (Olive). Ok maybe I'm exaggerating but these ladies were fierce, I attempt a weak "Hi" and hope they either leave me to let me drown in my stupidity or they can help me win back the love of my life.

"Damn you look like crap"

I wince knowing it's probably true because I really haven't been sleeping, "Thanks."

                  Polly's been avoiding me and I can't sleep or do anything right once I remember how much she probably hates me. These women are probably the only ticket I have to getting back into Polly's good graces.

                After being scolded for half an hour, they finally put me out of my misery and told me about how, Polly was doing no better than me. Pretty sure this means I'm some twisted bastard but I get a little satisfaction from knowing that we both haven't been doing alright without the other. I'm also glad that I don't have to wring out some motherfucker's neck for trying to get with Polly. Something has been worrying me though , the guy I hired to tail Mark had gone missing. I dug up Mark's past and he did some pretty shady shit in high school, on top of that the guy once got checked out of a mental institution. The records say he got better, but I highly doubt that. I got suspicious when the guy always rung Polly up, I sometimes bumped into the little worm when heading to Polly's apartment. The guy swore it was mere coincidence that we kept meeting on Polly's floor. I smelt Bull so I hired Steven.

              Ever since Polly stopped talking to me, I've been a mess. Lukas can't even make fun of me without feeling bad about it. I did get a visit from my brother though. Ireen too. After trash talking me and being called names by my sister. We talked about the one thing we never talk about, our family. After hearing about how much Dad had changed, I was willing to hear him out, so we agreed to meet on a Sunday seeing that was both our off day from work, but since i've been a wreck over Polly i couldn't muster up the courage to see him.

             I had been planning to visit my mother in the afternoon so I couldn't see Polly then. Today however I was prepared for a fight before she agreed to talk to me. First I wanted to smack her so hard for getting me worried sick and then I wanted to kiss the shit out of her because I missed her so much. The first thing I did when I got to work was change the locks on her office door. That way, she couldn't avoid me. Dramatic? Maybe. Did I care? No. I could have just requested for her but I'm the one who messed up so I had to follow her. I needed to tell her the truth about what was really going on. I watched her enter the building from my office floor. Her usual beautiful auburn hair looked almost mousy brown and instead of its usual sophisticated bun or chiffon, she had her hair in a messy pony tail. But something about her was... different. I can't seem to place it though.

                I finally manage to calm myself and turn to face Polly who is seated on my sofa. Before I could start talking she cuts me off, "Where's your wife? She probably thinks you're working or something." She doesn't say it, but the implication is as clear as day.

            I sigh in frustration and rush towards her, she struggles but I still manage to lift her and place her in my lap. I hug her to me and hear her sobbing and I feel my heart break, "I'm not married baby. Heather was my Fiancé. When we were kids, our parents set us up to get married, problem was, I never had any romantic feelings for Heather. She was my little sister. I thought as I grew up, my feelings would change. I mean she was a pretty little girl and she grew up to be a decent looking woman. But my feelings stayed the same. What made the situation crappier than it already was, was the fact that Heather fell in love with me. I just couldn't return those feelings." I feel myself laugh bitterly at the thought. As I continue speaking, I can feel Polly's body relax "I mean sure I loved her, but not in the way Heather or our parents wanted. I just didn't realize it then. I feel so bad about it now you know? At that time, I remember trying my hardest to take over the family business. I hated my Dad but I still wanted the company. I just didn't realize I was just his pawn the entire time. By the time I noticed, things were already turned to shit." I feel Polly's hands hold mine as I talk and I let out a sigh, relieved she's actually letting me explain. She sits up but keeps on holding my hands. I study her face but I can't read her clearly. I look away and continue talking before I lose my nerve. I can't lose her. She means so much to me now that the thought of never being able to hold her like this every day irks me, " And imagine this, the whole time, she was cheating on me with my best friend. I find out that she plans on divorcing me from television. The whole thing blew up and it was just one thing after another. We get divorced and I find out she has also been stealing from me."

              I feel a hand brush my face and I look up and see Polly looking at me with sad eyes, she sighs and looks away, "I'm sorry for all that happened to you. And I'm sorry for thinking the worst of you. I should have asked you first."

             I shake my head and give her a weary smile, "You don't have to apologize for my past baby. Whatever happened, happened. Besides, I wouldn't have met you if not for all that stuff happening. And yes you should have talked to me about it so I accept your apology"

            She shakes her head at me and laughs lightly, "cocky bastard"

            I grin widely feeling relieved, "Only for you baby"

             She narrows her beautiful doe eyes at me, "still doesn't explain what she was doing in your kitchen"

             I grin and explain everything that happened and when I'm done I see her gorgeous smile with tears streaming down her face, "I missed you so much. I was miserable without you."

              "Oh baby" I pull her too me and kiss her as tenderly as I possibly can. I pour everything I feel into the kiss. She fists my shirt and pulls it over my head, " god I missed this body"

            I grin wider and wrap her legs around my waist. Giving her a light kiss on her forehead, I carry her to the sofa, wishing and praying that I never lose her again, "It's all yours baby. I'm all yours. ALWAYS..."

RESISTING THE BILLIONAIRE  (Completed But Under Editing) Where stories live. Discover now