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           I stare numbly at the blue plus sign on the pregnancy test stick and wait for the doctor to tell me how long I have been pregnant, I feel my stomach Flutter and I feel over it delicately, imagining the little life growing inside of me .Honestly, suddenly having weird cravings and a huge appetite didn't give me much thought but when I started having morning sickness for a month and missing my period for more than a month, was enough to get me uncomfortably suspicious. I think of Damon's reaction and it's all I can do not to wince. "Congratulations Madam You're 2 months pregnant" the doctor flashes what seems like a genuine smile, but after seeing my reaction, his smile drops, "Oh I'm sorry, did you not want a child Madam? I'm sorry if I said anything to offend you " The fact that he immediately assumes that I have a loving husband only deepens my frown but I brush it off. The poor guy is fidgeting uncomfortably in his chair he thinks he is offending me, which he isn't, I force out a laugh, "You're not offending me in any way, really I'm just surprised that's all. I mean I WAS careful." "Oh" the doctor exhales and laugh airily, probably relieved that he didn't offend his patient , "These things happen sometimes. Besides when you are married you can't help these things can you?" He winks and smile and I try to return the smile but fail miserably.
        On my way leaving the building, I see a familiar figure and call out doubtfully, "Lillian?"

The figure turns and beams after seeing me, "Well hello dear aren't you a sight for sore eyes. How have you been sweetie?" She comes over to where I'm standing and pulls me into a hug, "I'm doing fine thanks how about you?" I return the hug and pull back to try and smile at her but she seems to notice as shakes her head at me, "I'm doing fine too. You on the other hand don't seem too fine. Let's grab a coffee, then you can tell this old lady what's wrong"

         I carry both our coffees and we sit at the far end of the room. I'm a little hesitant on how much to tell her but I decide I don't have a lot to lose so before I change my mind, I tell her everything that's been going on with us. I skip over the intimate parts, she didn't need to know about all THAT. Once I'm done I place my face in my hands and wait for her reaction, I feel her hand on my shoulders, which makes me peek at her from my hands, "Honey you need to tell him about him about the child, no matter his reaction, he needs to know. It is his child too, you can't deny him of that" "Momma Lilly, he doesn't want a family. He's told me this severally and he will think I'm roping him into a relationship. I don't want to force him into a marriage lest of all start a family he didn't ask for." She smiles at the nickname but looks at me with knowing eyes, "All these sound like excuses sweetie. Admit it, you're just scared. You are not sure of what he will say or how he will react. So you would rather assume the worst of him to avoid facing the fact that you're scared of the confrontation. Sweetie don't make the decision for him. Let him decide" I let my fore head rest against the coffee table knowing she is right. "Alright I'll think about it, so what brings you here? I didn't know you lived in New York." She gives me a sad smile and immediately I know something is wrong, "I actually live in Alabama now, I came to New York because my Gerald was sick. He was found with a tumor 2 years ago. He passed away yester night"

       I gasp and reach for her hand, "I'm so sorry. So that time we were in Hawaii..." She nods her head and smiles sadly, "It was his idea you know? he wanted to enjoy his last months of his life travelling. He said there was no reason wasting time hating life and making him take drugs that will only make him feel worse than he was feeling .It was painful, but I stayed strong for him, I will still stay strong for him even now that he is gone. He made me swear to be happy without him. The stubborn thing had forbidden me to mourn over him ." listening to Lilly talk about his late husband brings tears to my eyes. I want to find love like this, I know Damon loves me, he is just scared to admit it .Regardless, Lilly is right. He needs to know about his child.

     "If things don't go through with Damon, I do have a stubborn grandson, takes after his grandfather. I can give him your number" I giggle and shake my head at her, "No thanks. I think I have my hands full with my own stubborn asshole, don't forget I am having his baby" Lilly pouts and I smile, amused at her match making antiques. We part ways and my heart thuds, dreading having to tell Damon about the child.

           Oh well here goes.

          I enter the apartment and freeze in my tracks, a gorgeous woman looks up from the food she is preparing, She seems a little surprised but the expression shifts into a cold expression as She cocks her hip to the kitchen counter, "Um who are you?" she raises a brow at me, her beauty is startling and I get a little intimidated by it. She walks around the counter and its now that I see what she was wearing, she has on Damon's shirt. I gasp and move towards the door, "I'm looking for Damon" I gulp and try to regulate my breathing before I pass out. He couldn't be cheating on me. I try to assure myself of this, but somewhere at the back of my mind, I don't remember Damon defining what we were. I DID tell my friends we weren't dating, I told them that while desperately wishing me and Damon were dating.

      "He's still sleeping. Who are you? And how do you have a key to our apartment" I can taste blood in my mouth from how hard I'm biting down my lip, and its almost painful to utter the words, but I do so anyway, "I'm his friend, who are you?" She narrows her eyes suspiciously at me before answering coldly, "His Wife" At that one word I can feel my heart plummet to my stomach. The tears that I was holding back dry up and suddenly I feel hollow inside, "Oh" that's all I needed to know. So it was all a lie? I had a lot of questions but I had gotten so tired. I think the worry was getting to me and suddenly I'm very tired. Maybe it's the pregnancy? I didn't feel like thinking about it anyway. So I did the only thing that I could, I called an Uber and got off at Christy and Olive's place. My friends held me as I soundlessly mourned the loss of my shattering heart.

RESISTING THE BILLIONAIRE  (Completed But Under Editing) Where stories live. Discover now