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                I place my hands on the toilet seat and grit my teeth as I try to hold back a second throw up session. It's been a week since I found out Damon was married. The fact that I had to find out on my own, lest of all from his wife, was a good enough reason to make me sick to my stomach. The bastard couldn't have the decency to tell me himself. God I feel so stupid, I should have just stood my ground and stayed away from him. I shake my head helplessly and palm my face knowing lying to myself won't make things any easier. I stand up and stare at my pale reflection in the mirror. I have bags underneath my swollen eyes and my hair looks like a bird's nest. I look like shit. I groan and clutch the sink as I hold back the tears that threaten to manifest once more.

                        Crying has been the norm for me lately. Christy thought it was the pregnancy hormones but Olive argued that pregnancy hormones were definitely not why I cried buckets every day. Besides my messed up feelings, I do know one thing. Damon doesn't deserve my baby. I won't ask any money from him and neither will I force him to take me as his mistress or second wife, just the thought of it makes me shudder. Besides the crying, my morning sickness doesn't seem to be stopping anytime soon, I think the next time I throw up, I might empty out my whole digestive system into the toilet.

"Hey Polly, are you doing alright?"

"Yeah I'll be out in a minute"

                 I rinse my mouth with water and breathe in and out slowly to try and get the taste of vomit from my mouth. Avoiding Damon hasn't been as easy as I thought it would be. I avoid him as much as possible while at work and do my best not to bump into him after working hours. He has been trying to reach me but I don't think I would want him to see the state I've been in for the past weeks. I've heard talk around the office that he has been extra moody and twitchy lately, he's probably just pissed because I found out his dirty little secret.

             I leave the bathroom and rush to get the marketing plans for Christophe to present. I've avoided giving presentations like the plague. I mean Sure I miss the thrill and the expressions on people's faces as they realize that I actually have ideas that could take the company to a whole new level,. But Damon always chairs these meetings and I am making it my sole purpose to avoid the guy. I get to my office and I turn the knob to get in but it won't budge, I try using my keys but the door stays closed, "what the hell!?"

          "hey" I turn around to the throaty voice and gasp at what I see, Damon's a mess, his eyes are swollen and bloated, his usually straight face is filled with so much sadness that my heart breaks a little I don't know if I imagine it but I see a little bit of worry too . He looks even worse than I look. His voice sounds so worn out and he looks so broken that I almost want to hug him, almost. He reaches for me but I move away, afraid that I'd fall right back into his hands again like the idiot that I am. Damon runs his hands through his hair in frustration and moves a step back.

         "I miss you. How have you been? Why don't you pick up my call or answer any of my texts? You've been avoiding me, both at work and home, the least you can do is talk to me." It takes a moment for me to take in the fact that he looks so vulnerable right now, he looks like he genuinely misses me but I'm not going back to having sex with him that's for sure. My friends were right, Damon warned me, but I didn't listen, and look where that got me, heartbroken and pregnant for a guy who doesn't love me. I swallow bitterly and draw in some air through my nose so I can calm myself down before I say something stupid.

           "I'm sorry for not calling you but I think whatever was going on between us should come to an end. I realized that I started developing feelings for you and you don't want that so I had to figure out a way to detach myself from you before I got hurt." Damon narrows his eyes at me and before I have time to process what's going on, he pulls me to him and kisses me. I'm instantly enveloped in warmth as his scent scramble my senses. He kisses me hastily like a starving man. He cups my face gently and I'm embarrassed to admit that it takes little reluctance on my part before I give myself over to him once more. All coherent thought leaves my mind as his kisses turn from feverish to gentle. He holds me in his embrace as if afraid he might break me. I feel him lift me up and instantly, I wrap my legs around his waist. The next thing I know, we're in my office and Damon lowers me onto my cleared out desk. Once we come up for air, Damon rests his forehead on mine, "If you think your situation is worse than mine think again. I'm in love with a woman who doesn't want to talk to me. I've been driving myself mad every day because of her. I can't eat, I can't sleep, I can't even do shit right in the office." I gulp and try to calm my racing heart at his words, surely he can't mean me. Damon doesn't do love. I'm afraid to hope for the impossible and break my own heart, "Yes Polly, I'm talking about you. Don't start overthinking everything like you always do" Damon manages a small shy smile, which makes me stare at him in disbelief. I look at my hands, afraid he would read through my feelings for him with just a glance at my face. It takes a few minutes to calm myself down but once I do, I look up at him through my lashes.

              I blink at him and wonder if I'm being played. He's married isn't he? I shake my head at him and try to move away from him, but he simply grips my thighs and stands between my legs from where I am seated to prevent me from moving away. The closeness brings back memories I wish I'd have forgotten by now. I blush at where my thoughts are heading but decide to tell him what he probably already suspects I know, "I can't do this anymore Damon. You've been married all along and you didn't think to tell me? I was just your plaything, someone you could fuck when you get bored of your wife. I was your whore. Please just leave me alone. Go and be with your wife" I feel my tears rolling down my cheeks before I could even stop them.

            I look up at his face and see his jaw tick as his mouth I sets in a thin angry line, he holds my hand as he helps me get down from the desk, his voice is alarmingly calm when he say, "Firstly, if I ever hear you talk about yourself like this again, I won't be so calm about it. And secondly, we need to talk" Instead of resisting, I find myself nodding and Damon holds my hand as he ushers me out of my office.


Hey guys...Man! I missed writing so much. Med school is so crazy omg. "Go to school they said, it'd be fun they said"(cue eye roll) I'm so stressed out, I can barely read any novels lately. Someone save me!

On a serious note, I thank you guys so much for giving this book a chance. Please follow my work and vote for my updates I'd appreciate it very ,much.

RESISTING THE BILLIONAIRE  (Completed But Under Editing) Where stories live. Discover now