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        Two weeks later I'm at a coffee shop waiting for a Mr Sanders.
I order a coffee because I couldn't afford anything else, and sit at the far end of the coffee shop. My whole week has been a mess.
        After quitting, I started applying to some firms, hoping to get accepted. But everything was a flop seeing as the only response I got was from a Mr Sanders and the reply was short and brief. I couldn't get a conversation out of him. But I was given a job offer so that counted as something right? I see him enter the coffee shop and he waves at me. We get a table and we get talking on the job offer, the conditions seem fair enough and the pay is pretty great.
       Two cups of coffee later, I have agreed to work for a well-known modelling & design firm I was so ecstatic that I didn't pay much attention to which one. But Still, it was a job,  as long as I got paid and As long as it pays enough so I won't have to eat ramen noodles for a long while. I was beaming, Mr Sanders, or Jace as he said I should call him, writes down the address of the company and firmly shakes my hand, flashing those pearly whites at me. When he is gone, I glance at the address I was given. And my smile instantly drops, Oh hell no...

      I glare at my best buddy as he snickers at me, "Dude. What's gotten into you. You're obsessing over a chick you haven't fucked yet? I mean sure I would understand if you groped her, but Calling all the marketing firms in New York and ordering them not to hire her is a bit much, I mean sooner or later you will be such a pathetic mess over this chick"He slams his beer bottle onto the countertop and reaches for the tequila.
         I blow out a frustrated breath as I run a hand through my hair.
I accidentally blurted what had been going on with me for the past week to Lukas. Now he wouldn't let it drop, not that I agreed with what he was saying, it's just really irritating when Lukas starts making assumptions, "Man it's not that much of a big deal"I scowl at him and quirk a brow. He gawks at me in disbelief and waves the tequila bottle in the air, "Bro you've been talking about that chick for the past hour, I'd say it's pretty serious."
        "Look drop it ok" I growl at him. I'm suddenly regretting telling him about the whole thing. Lukas notices my sour mood and lets it drop. But he keeps giving me weird looks. Like I have grown an extra head or something. I can't say I blame him anyway, this is so unlike me. ignore him and order my Assistant to bring me information on some new merchandise I'm importing. I need to get my mind off Polly if I wanted to get anything done...
          Four hours later I'm irritated and stressed beyond words. I slowly massage my temples, feeling a migraine coming up. Stella notices and offers to help ease the pain. I have noticed her change in dressing lately. She's wearing tighter clothes. And hangs around me more often than usual. I thought I was imagining things but she keeps bitting her lips and leaning over to give me papers or my coffee, causing her cleavage to spill out of one of those tight blouses she's been wearing lately. Two weeks ago I'd have stripped her and fucked her in an instant. But right now, instead of getting me turned on,  her escapades are getting on my nerves. She's worked for me for years and it'd be a shame to let her go.
           "Stella leave me alone for now ok? Just bring me some painkillers and some water. And kindly change that outfit I don't want a lawsuit on my hands."
         Her face drops. And her eyes glaze over. My phone chooses that exact moment to alert me of a new email from a company I just took over. When Stella speaks, her voice wobbles a little, "Yes Sir. Here are the papers on our new employee" She drops the papers shakily on my desk and leaves the office. I don't look up from my phone till I heard a distinct 'click' of the door closing.
    I take the papers on my desk and look them over, They were Polly's resume. I go through it and found out she was very qualified. I heard she quit her old job.why? I had so many questions that I wanted to ask her, but I had so much to do today. Sighing in defeat I drop into my office chair.  I needed some rest. I barely slept yesterday because I was giving Ireen a good talking to. I was cutting off her monthly allowance. She needed to grow up and get a job. I told the same to Dad, who disagreed at first but caved after several hours of convincing. When I saw Marcus and talked to him about it, He just shrugged and muttered "yeah I guess it's for the best" He's not much of a conversationalist so it was something other than the usual head nod.
        I get up from my chair and make way for home. I couldn't concentrate I needed a break or maybe I just needed to get laid, some booze would help too at this point. But then again, I guess the universe hates me because I run into Someone at the reception who gives me a full-blown headache. Heather. She has her blonde hair made into chiffon and I can see her dye wearing off a little. Today she is wearing one of her usual tight dresses but she decided to go with a really bright shade of  yellow. I sigh and walk over to her. What the fuck does she want this time...

RESISTING THE BILLIONAIRE  (Completed But Under Editing) Where stories live. Discover now