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               Damon hands me the menu as waves over the waiter.we both order and as soon as we are left alone,Damon faces me. His face has it's usual blank look that makes it hard to tell what he is thinking. He looks so good tonight. He's wearing a charcoal grey tailored Armani suit. Why does he have to be so damn attractive? Really.It should be a sin for a man to look this good.
            Damon raises his brow at me in question and I realize that he's been talking all this while , while I had been drooling over him.And he has obviously noticed because i see the corner of his mouth twitch in attempt to hide a smile. I blush furiously with embarrassment and play with the napkin on one of the plates.
           "Could you repeat the question?"I add a little annoyance in the sentence to mask my embarrassement. But Damon doesn't even Flinch,"You mean repeat the whole one sided conversation I just had ?",He leans his chin on top of his right hand on the table and his smile finally breaks free.I'm saved from further embarrassment when the waiter brings our starters. We eat in silence until Damon clears his throat and I look over at his end of the table.
          "My question was, what do you do when you're not working?"
I take a sip of water from my glass suddenly feeling very uncomfortable. But looking over at Damon he seems... Curious? I see a little bit of interest there too.
           "I have a dance class that I teach. There aren't a lot of students but I actually prefer that they are a few "
"REALLY?"He raises his brows in Surprise and shifts in his seat," Doesn't more students mean more money?"
          "Well yeah, But its harder to tell what each individual student needs improvements on and to tell the progress they are making, seeing as the number would be too much to handle for one teacher."
             Damon seems intrigued by this and keeps asking questions which I answer quite easily.we soon have a very relaxed conversation and I find out a few things about him. He is allergic to fur and Peanuts and  hates the colour blue. I tried to hide my surprise at the last part but apparently he'd noticed and  soon i was harassed into saying what was on my mind.
           "How don't you love blue?I mean all men do"
           "That's very stereotypical of you."Damon grins at me. Showing off a dimple in his right cheek.
"I'm not being stereotypical,besides blue is a great colour"I frown at him. I don't even know why we're even arguing about colours but Damon only looks amused.
           We both avoid questions about our personal lives and I am so grateful for that.Its hard enough keeping him away from my lady parts and I have a feeling once I let him get to my heart,I'll be screwed.
             As the date ends I'm introduced to a different side of Damon that I'm beginning to find endearing.And it scares the crap out of me.


       Two hours later, Damon kisses my cheek and takes a step back from me.
   "Polly..."he takes a deep breath and exhales slowly,"I like you. And I don't know what to do with that. I don't LIKE people. I know I said I'd stay away from you. But I just can't do it. But I also can't give you a relationship. I'm too broken for that , I can't love you." He looks at me like he's daring me to protest. But I don't plan on it,just want to listen to him till he says what's on his mind. Damon doesn't open up. He's a Man that demands respect,he breathes power, So showing weakness or expressing his feelings is probably Not an option for him.
     He goes on when he sees I am not going to say anything,"Polly,right now what I CAN promise you is just Sex. I don't make love Polly ,I fuck. Hard and rough."he walks into my personal space, and forces me to look up at him by raising my chin with his finger,"But I also don't want to see you around other Men.You're mine."
     I scowl at him and roll my eyes,"Don't be such a cave Man. I'm not yours to be possessive over"
      He raises a sardonic brow at me,"Oh Baby, you can deny it all you want. But you are mine."He moves in closer to me and I can smell his Delicious scent. It's a distinct scent that is just his.I can't describe it really, and right now, My senses are all over the places and my thoughts are brought to an abrupt halt when I finally look into his eyes which look darker now.And I can feel my Vagina waking up from its deep slumber. Traitor.
     He briefly glances at my lips and his voice is a deep husky rumble when he says,"you have no idea how much I want you my little spitfire And I'm afraid a one night stand won't satisfy me."
     I feel my breath catch as he starts to rub my neck with his thumb.Suddenly I'm feeling very bold." I want you too Damon"He leans into me and exhales,"I don't want you to fall in love with me Polly.You're a Nester, as soon as i fuck you, you will start thinking about making babies and buying a house on the country side."
  I Scoff at him,"Egotistical much?Who says I'm looking for a life partner?" This only makes him smile a sad smile,"Oh?" he raises a brow.
"Yeah I don't see the problem with two adults having fun".I roll my eyes at him,"Besides,your dick can't be that good"As soon as I say this.Damon Yanks my hand roughly and places it on his dick. I gasp at what I find and blush.
  "Ok then if you're sure,miss 'i'm a big girl' now', I'll pick you up at 6am tomorrow."He rolls his eyes playfully, letting go of my hand and grinning as he backs away from me. Like he didn't leave me feeling all flustered and annoyed. Damn Hot bastard.
     I watch as he enters his car and drives off.
I fall asleep wondering if I didn't just make a mistake that would
cost me my heart. What if Damon is right? What if I do fall in love?Then what?

RESISTING THE BILLIONAIRE  (Completed But Under Editing) Where stories live. Discover now