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    "Damon freaking Walker!! Are you serious?" Christy never cussed but I could tell she was pretty stunned. "What? you guys didn't know?"Olive peered at us, surprised."What?! you knew?" We were all gaping at her." Of course, I did. I mean the Man's a god how did you NOT recognise him" "I thought he looked familiar.
             Dang now that we know who he is,  he is ten times hotter phew"Sasha fanned herself." Honey if you don't tap that I will". The thought of anyone being kissed by Damon made me grimace.          But Before I could muster up a response, Christy's phone rings.
        We were sitting at Christy's place for a Monday girl chat and all our phones were on the table. Olive picked up Christy's phone since she was closest to the phones." Thanks, pass it to me" I noticed Christy was looking a little too eager to have her phone. Olive, being the Nosiest one in our group peeked at the screen." who the fuck is Jake?" My ears perked up at this. Hmm, Christy was hiding something, this was a first." Girl do you have a man we don't know about?" Sasha raised her brow at Christy. To which Christy blushes. And that's when my jaw dropped, Christy never blushes."O,k why are you hiding this guy from us?" Olive stands up and places a hand on her hip.
       "It's new ok? Besides we're not dating" Christy drops her eyes to the table."  we met about a week ago at a photoshoot I was doing and he happened to be one of the models for my shoot."Christy was a photographer. A pretty good one by the way."So you're fuck buddies?"Leave it to Sasha to put things bluntly."No"Christy blushed again, "ok so you're not sleeping together?"I asked looking at her questioningly. She shakes her head 'no' and flushes. Sasha exclaims"Oh My God who are you and what have you done with Christy?  You NEVER blush. you like him don't you?" Christy nods her head slowly. Sasha's grinning from ear to ear."    Well I'm Happy for you.Just be careful ok, I don't want you getting hurt" she gave her a sad smile.
          Christy nodded at Sasha, "yeah I won't."Those two might argue a lot but they do love each other we're all sisters.
Chrisy starts describing Jake but that's all I could do to not zone out...
          I get to my office first thing in the morning. I hate my job. They overwork me, and the pay is crap. I've been waiting to get promoted in forever, Getting promoted means more money, I swear I don't think I can eat another packet of ramen noodles anymore. Stan is my boss's nephew and my Co-worker. He can't work for that. Lizzie my co-worker and friend say that he only got the job because he's uncle owned the company. Stan creeps me out. He eyes me a lot and always tries to feel me up. I slapped him on the cheek once and he's been mean to me ever since. Though it didn't stop him from trying to get me in his bed. Most of the time I avoided him, but today I guess luck wasn't on my side because I found him leaning against my office door.
        He leers at me eyeing me up and down. I rase a brow in question,  "Hello sweet cheeks, Uncle told me to tell you that we're needed for a meeting today at 10 am don't be late."  he smiled that toothy smile,"  Or I'll come and get you myself"I shuddered at that last part.
      "Sure" I gave him a smile that was fake as hell. Stan could get me fired if I was rude.  Which is why I regretted slapping him that day.
         I go into my office and organise my things and get to work. Two hours later, I knock on Lizzie's office door and we both make our way into the meeting.
          "Ok. Let's get to the point now, shall we? I called this meeting to discuss an urgent matter. Agnes our Marketing director was fired and so new changes are going to be made. Some of you will be promoted,  some of your departments will change and so forth." he looked around in the room.
       I was nervous, will he promote me or change my department? He couldn't take us to departments we knew nothing about that's for sure. I zoned out but was brought back to the present when Delia, the firm's secretary announced,"...and Stan Jamerson is promoted to creative director.."
         I heard a series of gasps around the room."What!?" I gaped at my boss in disbelief. Was he serious?"Are you serious, I've slaved for you for six years? And just because he's your nephew he gets the promotion."
  My boss sat upright in his chair. When Stan smirked at me from his seat. "I'm the company head, miss prince. I've made my decision. Don't be a sore loser".
       "Bullshit sir, Polly has been working for this company longer than he has"Lizzie points at Stan."And to top it all she does Most if the workaround here while he keeps eyeing women in the office. He fucked all of the interns at this point"
        "Mrs Braxter control that tongue or you'll lose your job." he glared at Lizzie. You know what? Fuck this, "I quit".A series of gasps and mummers. I get up my chair and smoothened out my pencil skirt and glare at him.
        " We all know that without her this company isn't worth shit, I quit too" Lizzie gets up from her chair too.
       "Oh come on stop acting like children."Stan scoffed.
        Gina, Zoe and Wesley also quit. We walked out of the facility and we all went home and that's when it hit me, I don't have a job. Great.

RESISTING THE BILLIONAIRE  (Completed But Under Editing) Where stories live. Discover now