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" Some people are worth melting for..."

~ Olaf(frozen)

I walk into my apartment and the sight that greets me makes me see red. I rip the bastard off Polly and throw him to a wall. I spew profanities as I pummel the weasel. I hear something crack but I don't give a damn. He was dead the moment he laid his slimy hands on her, He attacked her. He fucking hit her. My Polly. The realization that she was probably unconscious pisses me off even more, but before I could do land any more punches, someone drags me of his bloody body, "Jesus, Easy there bro, I'd love for you to kill this Jackass, in fact I'd help you out if not for the fact that Polly doesn't need our asses in jail for murder, even if it was done in her honor." I take in deep breaths to calm myself and will myself to stop shaking. Its then that I notice the paramedics and the Police that had arrived. I explain what I can to the Police and rush into the ambulance where Polly had been put. I notice her pale and bloody state and panic, "Is she supposed to be losing this much blood?" one of them give me a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder, "she has sustained a lot of injuries unfortunately, so the bleeding is quite unavoidable, but we're here so we should be able to stop the bleeding." My throat closes up and I feel myself on the verge on tears but I manage to steel myself from breaking down in front of them. That wouldn't help anyone. So I manage to croak out, "will she be alright?"

The paramedic shakes her head and gives me a sad smile, "We can't say for sure sir"

In the next instant everything happens in a whirl, Polly is carried on a stretcher to the ER and the doors are closed. I feel helpless as I stand outside in the waiting room. Away from her. She must have been so scared, and I wasn't there. I didn't protect her. And I could lose her. My heart clenches at the thought. " Fuck!" I punch the wall and grit my teeth in frustration, I hate feeling like this. Wanting to help her and be there for her, but not being the one she really needs. Silently I let the tears fall. Even as Lucas hugs me I cling to him and go on crying. If there is a god out there I pray he can save the woman who owns my heart. Because I'm sure nothing will be left of it if something happens to her.


I feel something warm and pleasant enveloping me and I snuggle in closer to get comfortable when I hear the voice I've been hearing in my dreams for some time now, "Baby are you awake?" That's when it all comes to me. I bolt upright and my eyes snap open. "My baby" I place my hands over my stomach and let my tears fall as I cry. Hands hold my face and I'm forced to look into Damon's gentle baby blues, "Baby, breath. Come on it's alright. Everything is alright." I shake my head at him and choke out, "I'm sorry, i...I lost the baby" Damon hugs me to him, "the baby is alright. Nothing happened to it." The tightness in my chest loosens up and I let out a relieved breath, "why didn't you tell me?" he sounds hurt, and the last thing I wanted was to hurt him, "i don't know." I exhaled and looked at him. He looked tired. It's unfair that he looks exhausted and gorgeous at the same time, "I admit at first I thought you'd hate me when I told you. I thought you'd think I would try to trap you into getting married, and I thought you wouldn't want me anymore" "That would never happen." He exhales and laces our hands together, "I admit that in the beginning I was an ass to you. I don't know when it happened but then I stopped caring whether or not I fell for you and just let things flow." He chuckled lightly, "Honestly it's the first time in my life that I did something without scheduling it. And I don't regret it one bit." He pauses a beat and his eyes turn sad before going on, "I thought I lost you. And when I discovered you had been pregnant... time froze. I was so shattered and knew that if I lost you both, I wouldn't be able to live through the pain. To not be able to hold you...oh baby please don't cry" I don't know when I had started crying, but Damon had apparently noticed and wiped my tears with his hand, he kissed me and I felt everything around me melt away and it was just him and me. When we finally come up for breath, he gazes at me lovingly, "I missed you so damn much baby. Don't ever scare me like that ever again. I don't think I'd be able to take anymore." We had both gone through hell and I didn't want him going through more than he already did. What's more I didn't want him going through it alone. Damon was a beautiful man. Both inside and out and I loved him so much it hurt, I laugh and give him a light peck on the lips "Never. I promise." He smiles at me lovingly and I'm enveloped in another breathtaking kiss, "good" He sighs and rolls his eyes playfully, "Everyone has been outside in the waiting room waiting for you. I bet they know you're awake now. I don't need Sasha kicking my ass so I think I'll let them steal you away from me for a little while." I laugh and run my hands through his hair, "a little Possessive are we?" He gives me a worried look, "You don't like it?". I laugh and pat him on the cheek lovingly, "Oh I do. It's hot. Now let's go lover boy. Take me to my subjects." Damon chuckles and carries me to the wheelchair positioned near the bed. Our laughter dies when I meet Jack at the door, he rushes to me and hugs me to him, "God you scared the crap out of me. You have a lot of explaining to do. I know you just woke up and everything, but first start by explaining the boy that keeps making 'lovesick puppy dog eyes' at you from way over there?"

I sigh and shift nervously in the chair, "He's the guy I sort of fell in love with. You where right about what you said, he is stubborn. He's also arrogant, conceited and a pain in the neck but he's also kind, caring and the sweetest person I know. " Suddenly Damon is at my side, he laces our hands together but has a frown etched on his handsome face, "Sort of fell in love with? Damn I have to try harder then" I laugh and kiss his cheek, "ok definitely fell in love with" I turn to Jack and find him trying to hide his smile, "I mean you are going to be a grandpa, so you don't have to look all grumpy you know? Save the 'stay away from my daughter' routine for later" His smile finally breaks free and his whole face lights up, "Really? I mean I still don't give my full approval. But if he makes you this happy and is still around after finding out you are pregnant, then he is worthy of my recognition" he narrows his eyes at Damon playfully but apparently, he couldn't keep up the act for long so he just shakes his head and mutters something under his breath about children growing too fast, he gestures to Damon that they go talk in private and he looks at me nervously, "I really don't think it's a good idea".
" oh come on, he won't eat you. Though I can't really blame him if he did" Damon chuckles and is about to kiss me when Jack gives us an exasperated look, probably because he got tired of waiting. As Damon gets the lecture of his life from my father, I'm crowded with all my coworkers and friends, some gushing over the pregnancy while others lectured me about giving them a huge scare and to never do it again. I smiled at my friends and feel my chest tighten. I was really lucky to have them.

Hours later Damon fell asleep, spooning me while his hands rest lightly on my tummy. Damon had managed to pry me away from the crowd of loving friends and well-wishers and managed to get me back home. The doctors said I was in no immediate danger and as long as I had a lot of rest and didn't strain myself, I would be back to normal in no time, "Baby...is something wrong?" I smile softly in the darkness, "Nope. Just wondering what I did to deserve you" I heard him snort, "Funny, I've been thinking that for the past month" I turn to him and giggle when I see his big dopey smile. It's kind of ridiculous how I tried to stay away from this man. Well I guess that didn't do me any good seeing as how I failed. I laugh lightly at this, "what's so funny?" "Oh nothing, just wondering how I tried resisting you but managed to fail miserably" "Tsk, don't feel bad. I mean I did try too but then I guess we were never meant to be apart in the first place. Speaking of which..." He takes in a shuddering breath and gazes into my eyes before asking nervously, "do you want to get married before or after we have the baby?" I gasp and I feel like my heart might explode with all the happiness I was feeling, but I wanted to make sure I heard right "I'm sorry what?" "I know this is neither the most romantic place nor is it memorable, but I was going to ask you this, three weeks ago, after taking you someplace nice and fucking you senseless" He gives me a sexy smirk and goes on while he plays with my hair, all the while I'm being struck speechless, "But then that idiot attacked you and I thought I'd lose you. I know it's selfish but I want you both in my life. I want the whole package damn it! And the thought of having neither of you right now terrifies me, I honestly don't even want to imagine it. I admit that the idea of having a child scares the crap out of me. So did falling in love but that went great, it still is. And I bet being a father will be just as great. I'm willing to take the chance and try my best and be the best goddamn husband and father this world has ever seen. So please... would you marry this possessive, idiot of a man? Because he sure as hell is useless without you." I choke up and manage to control my sobs enough to nod my head as I wipe my tears, "Of course I'll marry you, you arrogant ass." He sighs and the smile that he gives me is breathtaking. I raise my finger in the air and try to muster a stern look, " I just have one request before we get married though" he gives me a worried look, "which is?"

I grin at him, "You're letting Sasha be the baby's god mother" he gives me a horrified look and I laugh as I kiss his jaw. God I loved this man. Mrs. Walker huh? I liked the sound of that.


RESISTING THE BILLIONAIRE  (Completed But Under Editing) Where stories live. Discover now