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Demetri woke Jamie up as she slept through the whole morning. "Jay." He shook her. "Hmm?" Jamie got up and yawned. "Your ma is on the phone." Demetri told her. She blinked multiple times.

"House phone or telephone?" Jamie asked. "This phone here." He shoved the phone in her hand.

"Hello?" Jamie spoke through the phone. "Jamie! Oh my gosh. Hey babe. How are you?" Her mother asked. Jamie got up and walked to the kitchen.

"I'm doing...great. You?" Jamie was tearing up a little because she felt like it's been years. "I'm surviving. That's all. I have limited time so I just wanted to tell you thank you. For getting your dad to call. I love you. Be safe." Her mom told her. "Okay. I love you too." Jamie hung up.

"Happy now?" Demetri asked. "Yes. I am." Jamie poured cereal into a bowl. "I'm heading out later." She told him as she sat on the couch next to him as he played his game. "Okay. Drop by Dabney's house and tell her I said hey." Jamie groaned.

"What if her fuck ass son opens the door. I'm gonna have to deal with his rude ass." Jamie complained. "Which one? The little man or Ian?" He chuckled.

"Ian! I cannot stand him! I swear to god every time me, you and mom go over there he's always rolling his eyes at me, giving me a death stare and everything. I'd be wrong to punch him in his shit." Jamie ranted on as she stuffed her face with cereal.

"He probably just likes you." Demetri laughed. "I'm glad that's funny to you. I'm going to take a shower. Please reconsider me having to go over there. PLEASE!" Jamie got up and walked to the bathroom.

Once she got out she looked through her closet to choose what to wear then she found an outfit.

(Jamie's Outfit)

Jamie quickly threw it on and did her hair up with a pink scrunchie and put on big hoop earrings

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Jamie quickly threw it on and did her hair up with a pink scrunchie and put on big hoop earrings. Jamie looked on her drawer to see what perfume to go with and chose a candy smelling one.

"You look nice! I like them shoes, baby." Demetri clapped from her door. "Yeah cause you bought them for me." Jamie giggled and picked up her skateboard and gum. "You going out now?" He asked.

"Yes, sir." Jamie put a piece of gum in her mouth and put the pack in her pocket. "Okay, and like I said make sure to tell Dabney and Ian I said hey." Demetri teased and laughed. "That's not even funny." Jamie whined and walked out the room.

"Bye! Be safe! I love you!" Demetri yelled. "Bye! Love you too!" Jamie yelled back and closed the front door. She placed her skateboard down and rode it down to the skate shop when she saw none other than Stevie walking over also. She almost fell but stopped herself.

"Stevie!" She yelled causing him to turn around. Jamie grabbed her skateboard and ran over to him. "Hey Jamie! You going here too?" Stevie asked her while pointing to the shop. Jamie smiled and nodded.

"Yeah. I was supposed to be here a long time ago but I slept in." Jamie nervously chuckled. "Oh, well, let's go." Stevie wore a smile on his face and walked in holding the door for her.

"Would you rather suck your dad's dick or eat your mom out?" Was the first thing Jamie heard as she walked in. "Talk to ya later man." Jamie said to Stevie. "Okay. Bye." He waved. Jamie smiled and waved.

"Fuckshit." Ray called. "What's up?" Fuckshit looked at Jamie and smiled. "Would you rather suck your dad's dick or eat your mom out?" Ray asked. "What the fuck." Jamie laughed and went over to them. "You would suck your dad's dick right?" Fourth Grade asked.

"Whaaat!" Jamie gasped and laughed. "Life or death. Come on." Ray asked Fuckshit. "Hey whatever I'm doing I'm drugging one of them motherfuckers. I'm not gone say who but I'm gonna drug them motherfuckers till they sleep." Fuckshit explained.

"Your gonna rape your parents?" Ray questioned. Jamie looked at Fuckshit and cocked her eyebrow. "That's crazy as shit nigga." Jamie told him. "Yeah- That's rape." Fourth Grade added.

"I'd rather rape one of my parents than to consciously-"

"Yo, what the fuck?" Ray commented. "I'm not trippin. Life or death. Life or death. Fuck it I'd just rape my parents... Or one of them" Fuckshit shrugged. Jamie and Ray shook their heads and chuckled.

"Hey for real I'm never coming back here again." The customer said. "Y'all niggas scaring off customers." Fuckshit blamed.

"Nigga you the one who would rape your fucking parents." Jamie shook her head. "Wouldn't you?" Fuckshit asked her. "Nigga I wouldn't-" Jamie couldn't even finish her sentence.

"This is not an accurate representation of what we talk about." Ray told the customer. "Y'all are bad for business my nigga." Fuckshit shook his head. "Is there any way you could just like forget I even asked? I feel really weird now." Fourth Grade spoke quietly.

"Oh hell no." Ray shook his head. Jamie and Fuckshit walked over to the couches. "Oh fuck Princess. I didn't even notice you were here. Hey." Ray waved and sat in the middle of her and Fuckshit. "Hey Ray Ray." Jamie grinned.

Fuckshit, Jamie, Fourth Grade, Ray and Ruben watched the TV. "Yo, these niggas are in Paris." Jamie looked at Stevie who was looking at them and smiled softly. "I've been to France before. Them niggas are assholes." Fuckshit told Ray.

"Yeah, but you went with your parents. Like, Imagine if that was us."

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