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Jamie called her dad and nobody picked up. She later got called back. "Dad?" She answered. A male voice told her that her father was in jail. 

"Hello?" Demetri picked up. "Dad? What happened?" Jamie cried. "Sweetheart. I just got caught for a few things. I'll be fine. Are you okay? Why are you crying?" Demetri asked. "I- I was in a car crash and- Now i'm in the hospital. I'm fine. Just a little bleeding." Jamie hastily spoke. 

"Who the fuck did it? Was it those boys you hang out with!" Demetri yelled. "No, it was an accident. I'm good. We are worried because Stevie got hurt though." Jamie started crying again.

 "Dad?" Her voice cracked. "Yes baby girl?"

 "Please stop drinking. That shit can kill you. I don't- I don't care about the smoking but the drinking. Please stop. And don't say you will and then secretly drink." Jamie broke down. "I didn't realize how much it was hurting you. I'm sorry. I will try. I promise." Demetri sighed. "Okay. Thank you. I love you. Bye." Jamie sniffled. "Bye. I love you." Demetri hung up.

 "You okay Princess?" Ray asked as she sat next to him in the lobby. She had puffy eyes and a running nose. Jamie wiped her eyes and nodded. "Yeah." She looked down.

 "You don't have to lie to me." Ray held her face with his hands. "You don't. At all. What's wrong?" He spoke quietly. 

"My dad. He is in jail after being caught with something." Jamie confessed. Ray put his arm around her and she laid her head on his chest. "Hopefully nothing big happens and he can get out." Ray rubbed her arm with his thumb. "Hopefully." She wrapped her arm around his waist. 

"Yo, Princess, I'm sorry. I should've let you drive. I know you are around that fucked up shit all the time and- fuck, I'm really sorry. I am also sorry for what I said. I get you were trying to help." Fuckshit looked at her. 

She didn't say anything but she nodded giving him the signal that it's fine. 

Ruben and Fourth Grade were asleep. Ray, Fuckshit and Jamie just sat in silence until they fell asleep.


Stevie's mom checked in and when she went to the lobby she saw all of the teens sleeping. Dabney walked over to Ray and Jamie and put her hand on their shoulders causing them to wake up.

 They both stretched and rubbed their eyes and when they turned around they met eyes with Dabney. The woman sat next to them and they just looked at each other. "Do you wanna see him?" She asked. 

Ray woke everybody up and they all ran to his room. Everyone sat in silence and looked at eachother. 

"Can I see it?" Fuckshit asked Stevie. "They took a picture." Stevie grabbed a file and gave it to him. They all got up to go see it. "Fuck. Shit. Nigga what the fuck?" Fuckshit shook his head.

 "That's fucked up." Ruben sat down causing everyone else to sit. "Are you okay?" Ray asked. Stevie nodded. "You literally take the hardest hits out of anybody I ever seen in my life." Ray told him. Stevie smiled slightly. "You know you don't have to do that right?" 

Everyone went quiet. "You guys wanna see something?" Everyone looked at Fourth Grade. He got up and plugged in his camera to the TV. It was all the footage from everything Fourth Grade recorded.

 Once it finished everyone clapped. "Fuck! Shit! That was dope. That was dope." Fuckshit laughed. "Yeah it was. See I was there for your first film." Jamie clapped. 

Everyone said their sorries and made up. Stevie had to stay in a hospital for a few days so they stayed too. 



"Yo Princess?" Ray caught her attention. "Yeah?" She messed with her fingers. Ray sat next to her and when Jamie looked up she saw Fuckshit, Ruben, Stevie and Fourth Grade watching from afar. 

"I like you. A lot. Really. I was wondering if you'd be my girlfriend?" Jamie smiled and looked at him. "Finally. Of course I'd be your girlfriend Ray Ray!" Jamie squealed and hugged him tightly.

 Ray hugged back as she kissed his face multiple times leaving lip gloss prints all over. "Aye! Ray gots a girll!" Fuckshit yelled and clapped. Ray and Jamie kissed again. 

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