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Jamie had woken up extra early since she had to go to work. Her and the guys had to work some shit out with took 3 whole days because most of the time Jamie and Fuckshit were arguing about apologies and the others had to stop it.

(Jamie's Outfit)

She put her hair up in a ponytail and ate a pop tart while watching cartoons until it was time to go

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She put her hair up in a ponytail and ate a pop tart while watching cartoons until it was time to go. She rode her skateboard to the daycare not really caring for her car. 

While Jamie was on her way she bumped into Stevie who was practicing tricks. "Oh fuck. Hey Jamie. Are you okay?" Stevie asked. "Yeah, I'm cool Stevie." Jamie reassured. 

"You look tired. Are you going to work or something?" Stevie questioned. "Yeah, I'm going to work. I didn't get much sleep. I have to go now. You are welcome to stop by." Jamie sighed and rode away. 

She got to the daycare and went in. "Hey, you look like a bum. What the fuck happened?" Tammy asked. 

There weren't any kids there yet so it was still quiet. "Nothing. I am just not in such a good mood." Jamie sat in a chair. "Let me guess. Your boyfriend dumped you?" Tammy spun in her chair.

 "No, but one of my best friends' has been a dick. We've argued for almost 4 days now." Jamie sighed. "Why?" 

"We kissed at a party and now we both have to accept each other's apology but he doesn't know how to apologize." Jamie groaned. "Hmm, well how did you apologize?" Tammy asked. "I said 'I apologize for being drunk and kissing you. I should have left the situation but instead I didn't.' and he accepted it yet he makes out the situation to be ALL my fault." Jamie spoke. 

"Mhmm, and this boyfriend of yours. How'd he react when you told him?" Tammy interrogated. "He um- he accepted my apology." Jamie said quietly. 

"Wow, if I told my husband that I cheated on him, he'd smack the black off of me and the taste out of my mouth." Tammy scoffed. "Young boys are such pussies now." She laughed.

 "Well, I don't want my boyfriend hitting on me literally! I mean we play around and stuff but I'll be damned if he actually hit me." Jamie shook her head. Two girl twins came in. 

"Hey my favorite twinsies!" Jamie smiled and waved. They squealed and ran to her as their dad signed them in. "We are waiting on the rest of the kiddos and then I'll be down there. Okay?" Jamie spoke softly.

 "Okay!" They hugged her and ran downstairs. 

"You have a way with kids I see," The twin's dad spoke. "Yeah. I love kids." Jamie nervously laughed. "Well, my girls talk about you all the time. I'm Antonio. Nice to meet you." He kissed her hand and smiled. 

"I'm Jamie, nice to meet you too." 

"Oooh! I see you girl! Get you an older man!" Tammy cheered. "Actually, my wife is in the car-" 

"And who is this?" His wife came in. "Baby, she's the girl the twins talk about all day." The man said. "Oh, for real. Heyy girl!" The woman shook her hand. "Hi." Jamie smiled.



Jamie was helping get snacks ready since the kids were still asleep. "Hey I wanted to tell you thank you for not getting me fired." Jamie's coworker, Donnie told her. 

"You don't do things that should get you fired." Jamie spoke as she placed things on the little tables outside. "Well, I mean now it's only you and me here. I just don't want to upset you and then I get fired and you're the only one left." Donnie sighed.

 "Girl, just don't treat me like trash and we're good." Jamie shrugged. Donnie nodded as Jamie went back inside.

 "Jamie I think your 'not knowing how to apologize' best friend is here." Tammy whispered to her. Jamie walked up the stairs slowly and saw Fuckshit sitting on the chair. 

"Yo. You good?" Fuckshit asked. "Do I look good?" Jamie sat in front of him. "Look wise hell- I mean heck yeah." Fuckshit laughed a little. "Look, I got kids I need to wake up and feed so what's up?" Jamie crossed her arms and legs. 

"I just uh wanted to say I'm sorry. I know we been assholes towards each other lately and that's fucking- I don't mean to be an asshole to you. The kiss was my fault. I kept implying it. I was drunk and high as fuc- heck and you were drunk and on something. Also... Ray couldn't stand us arguing anymore and forced me here." Fuckshit apologized. 

Jamie laughed a little and looked at him. "Well, I couldn't either. Apology accepted." Jamie and him hugged it out. "I gotta go finish setting out snacks so, yeah. Love you." Jamie got up. "Love you too." Fuckshit nodded and walked out. 

Jamie went back downstairs and saw Tammy and Donnie sitting in a chair talking. "Soo, y'all good now?" Tammy asked. Jamie nodded. "Like siblings. We hugged it out." Jamie laughed.

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