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👑// Y'all listen to Saweetie??

👑// Y'all listen to Saweetie??

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Ray and Jamie were chilling at her house all day and Ray had still felt a little uneasy because of what the tattoo artist told Jamie. He'd thought over and over again about how Jamie and Fuckshit could've dated or fucked or anything without telling him. 

"Boo, you good? You've been looking mad uhh, out of it." Jamie laid back down and handed him another bag of chips. "Yeah bae. You done asked me that like 10 times today." Ray fake laughed and opened his chips. "You don't gotta lie baby. What's bothering you?" Jamie looked at him and sat criss cross on her bed. 

"You want me to be painfully honest right now?" Ray sighed and asked. Jamie nodded rapidly. "Ight." Ray exhaled deeply. "All week I just been thinking that..." 


"That you and Fuckshit maybe did some shit behind my back." Ray shook his head. "Wow. Why would you even think that? He's my best friend. Honestly." Jamie spoke truthfully. 

"When girls say that they usually mean they've probably thought about fucking their so called best friend, but I believe you." It stayed quiet. 

"Ray." Jamie broke the silence. "Hmm?" 

"You wanna go skate or something?" Jamie asked. Ray grinned a little and looked at her. "Why? You want something?" Ray cocked his eyebrow to her. 

"Nope, I am just tired of staying in the house and my throat hurts so what's better to do then skate." Jamie jumped up. "Your throat hurts? Woaaaah." Ray laughed and got up slowly. Jamie hit his arm.

 "It's your fault." She muttered. "Mhmm, I know. We should get the rest of the guys." Ray suggested. "Okay, call them. Tell them to meet us at the back of the shop." Jamie told him.

 "I gotta get out of these pajamas for real for real." She laughed. "Ight, change. I'll be right here." Ray sat back down. "Boy if you don't call them." Jamie chuckled and shook her head. Ray got back up and kissed her neck before he went out.

(Jamie's Outfit)

She put on silver hoop earrings and a few necklaces that matched

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She put on silver hoop earrings and a few necklaces that matched. Jamie put her hair up and smudged lip gloss on her lips. She grabbed her book bag then went into the kitchen where Ray was and put a cereal bag in it along with some other chips. 

"Damn, we not having a road trip." Ray laughed as he hung up the phone. "And? What if I get hungry. I'm not wasting no other money on some 7 dollar chips." Jamie giggled and zipped up her bookbag. "Yeah, ookay. " He rolled his eyes playfully. 

They grabbed their skateboards and went outside. "Bet I'll be you there." Jamie challenged him as she put her bookbag on. "Bet, and the loser is a bottom." Ray smirked. 

Jamie smacked her lips. "Nigga- You're a bottom anyways." Jamie kissed his cheek and rode off. "No I'm not! Plus that's cheating!" Ray yelled and caught up to her. The two skated around and then Ray got to the shop first. 

"You fucking cheated nigga!" Jamie yelled and laughed. "How! You saw me go past you easily." Ray argued as they went into the shop. "And? You cheated. I was supposed to win." Jamie whined. The two went to the back of the shop to see Ruben there sitting down.

 "Yo, you good?" Ray asked. "Yeah. Man. It took y'all long enough." Ruben said. Fourth Grade and Stevie came next and they all skated around still waiting for Fuckshit. Jamie sat down and started eating her chips. Stevie sat down next to her and stared at her. 

"Yes Stevie?" Jamie asked, still looking straight and eating. "Nothing. I'm sorry." Stevie nervously said and looked down. "Hey. I got a question." Jamie said out of the blue. "Uh okay." Stevie scooted up.

 "If I wasn't going out with Ray, would you think Me and Fuckshit were dating or could be capable of dating?" Jamie asked whilst she put her chips down. "At first, yeah. Other than that, no, or I don't know. Why?" Stevie asked. Jamie shrugged.

 "I don't know. It was just a question. A stupid question at that." Jamie shook her head. "If you and Ray were boyfriend and girlfriend would you date Fuckshit?" Stevie questioned. Jamie shook her head again.

 "Nope. I see him as a brother. A reckless little brother at that." She responded. "Hmm. What about Ruben?" He asked. "Too young." Jamie replied. "Fourth Grade?" He interrogated. 

"Hmm. No not really. I've thought about it maybe once but no." Jamie shrugged. "How come girls seem to like Fuckshit a lot?" Stevie looked up at her. "His hair, I'm guessing. Because he treats girls like trash." Jamie answered. "He doesn't treat you like shit though." Stevie cocked his eyebrow a little. 

"Because he knows I'd beat his ass." Stevie laughed a little. "But for real though, I don't know. Even before we was like close or whatever he still treated me better than other girls. I guess that makes him a good best friend." Jamie admitted. "You think he likes you?" Stevie asked. 

"Hell nah, He thinks of me like a sister." Jamie laughed at the fact Stevie even asked. "Oh, well, how do you know for sure?" Stevie slouched. "Because he wouldn't like his best friend's girlfriend." 

Jamie got up and went to skate again.

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