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Jamie stopped babysitting and stuck to the daycare and teaching people how to skateboard since that payed her more. 

She was chilling in her room since her work schedule changed and she only had to work on the weekdays. As she read her book and listened to music on the radio the doorbell rang. Jamie got up and walked to the door. 

"What's good y'all ." She smiled at the sight of her friends and boyfriend. "We got ideas!" Fuckshit yelled as they got in the house. "What's the ideas?" Jamie asked. "We were thinking about having a sleepover or something." Ray told her. 

"That's sound gay as fuck man." Ruben laughed. "Only if you make it. But where? Here?" Jamie looked at them. "Yeah." Fuckshit told her. "Welp, that's cool with me. I just don't have any boy pajamas or whatever and I need to go grocery shopping." Jamie talked quickly. 

"Alright. Well, we can go get all of that. We will get our things and you can go grocery shopping." Fourth Grade suggested. "Okay, yeah that would be easy." Jamie said. "Y'all go now. There's a key in a fake rock in the bushes next to the front door." Jamie told them. 

"Ight." The boys left. 

Jamie grabbed her keys and wallet and went to the grocery store. 

As she was looking through the snack aisle a kid came up to her. "Hi Princess!" The kid waved. She looked down and saw one of the girls from the daycare. "Hey beautiful. Where's your mom?" Jamie asked. 

The little girl pointed to a woman who looked not really okay. "Oh, she's pretty. Is she okay?" Jamie asked. "No, she's on drugs." The girl said plainly which caught Jamie off guard. "Uh- Oh. Um-" 

"Yeah, she like cocaine... anways I should go so she doesn't get mad." The girl ran back to her mother. 

"Damn." Jamie grabbed a few more snacks and went to the cashier. "Hey how are you today?" The cashier smiled as Jamie loaded the food on the conveyor. "I'm good, you?" 

"Great, that's great." The cashier rang her up and told her her total. "You have kids?" The cashier asked. "Nope." Jamie laughed a little. 

"Oh, these are lots of snacks. Are you sure you need them?" The cashier asked. "Um- No. I'm having a sleepover." Jamie stated and grabbed her bags. "Oh okay. Well, don't eat too much. You are too pretty to be fat. Bye bye. Have a good evening." The cashier told her. 

"Yeah." Jamie said before she left. Jamie went to her car and loaded everything in the car. While doing so she felt uneasy.

 She quickly got in her car and drove away and once she was out of her parking space she saw two people standing there in front of her car so she sped away. 

Once she got home she was still shaken up but once she got inside she saw the boys she calmed down. "Yo, you need help with the bags?" Ray asked her. "Uh yeah- Yeah." Jamie nodded a little out of breath. 

"You good?" Ray looked at her. "I'm fine." 

The younger boys were getting ready as Ray, Fourth Grade and Fuckshit helped her with the grocery bags. "Nigga are you making a fucking buffet or somethin?" Fuckshit asked as they grabbed bags. "No but unless you want to starve don't complain about shit." Jamie chuckled. 

"Oh shit, you bout to cook?" Fuckshit asked her. "Yup, because it wouldn't be kind of me if I didn't." Jamie replied. "I didn't know you could cook." Fourth Grade gasped. "Well, I can." Jamie smiled. 

They got into the house and Jamie went to take a shower before all the other boys. She went into her room and got dressed and put her hair up in a pink bonnet.

(Her Pajamas)

Once she finished getting dressed she went to the kitchen and started cooking

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Once she finished getting dressed she went to the kitchen and started cooking. "What are you making?" Stevie asked. "Tacos since that shit was cheap. If you're hungry now eat a peach or chips or somethin." Jamie said as she started browning the meat. 

"Oh. Well, no I'm not that hungry right now just curious." Stevie laughed nervously. Jamie looked at him and raised her eyebrow a little. "You good boo? You're like...hm. I don't know, but are you cool?" Jamie questioned and went back to cooking. "Yeah. Just- uh yeah. I'm good." Stevie smiled. 

"How's everything at home? Ya moms, Ian?" Jamie started taking out plates and things for everyone. "My mom's been uh- having people over and Ian isn't home much. I just think they're both in their own world or something." Stevie kinda shrugged. 

"Well, is that a good thing or bad thing?" Jamie asked him. "Both." Stevie spoke softly. Jamie nodded. 

Once she finished everyone grabbed a plate and Jamie put on the movie, Friday. "Yo, Fuckshit reminds me of Smokey." Jamie laughed. "How?" Fuckshit asked. "Nigga hmm y'all both always smoking some shit, y'all always being hoes, You saw how Smokey was tryna get with Dana, and Dana home girl and more." Jamie chuckled. 

"Shit! Dana fine tho! SO is Debbie! And so was Dana's home girl." Fuckshit said, causing everyone to laugh.

 After the movie finished some of the boys played out in her backyard while her, Ray and Ruben stayed inside. Ruben was sleeping on the couch already. 

Ray and Jamie were playing around. Ray was taking pictures of Jamie with one of her cameras as she did random poses. 

"Could I be a model boo?" Jamie asked him. "You know you could. You're beautiful as fuck." Ray smiled at her. Jamie held his face and kissed him. "I love you so much Ray Ray." Jamie grinned. "I love you too." Ray hugged her and kissed her face multiple times causing her to blush heavily. 

"You're so cute boo. Oh my gosh!" Jamie squealed and kissed his cheek. She grabbed the camera. "Come on, let's take pictures." She smiled. Ray laughed and shook his head. 

"Pleaseee! You're so finee baby. Just like 3 or 4." Jamie whined and sat in his lap. Ray sighed. "Fine. Just like fucking 3." Ray gave in. "Yay!" Jamie had the widest grin on her face and they took a few pictures. 

Ray had a deep deep soft spot for Jamie. Only Jamie. Jamie has always had a soft spot for Ray for the longest. No matter how he was or what he went through she still had a soft spot for him. They'd never really get in arguments, heated arguments at that. Everyone but them really noticed that. 

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