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Jamie was chilling since she wasn't really feeling so high up. She wasn't sick she was just sad since while at court with her dad he ended up getting sentenced to a few more months for contraband. 

It had been a few days since that happened and she called in sick for work for a few days. Jamie didn't really have people to teach either so she rarely went out of the house. The guys tried to get a hold of her but she wouldn't answer anything. The doorbell rang but she ignored it. 

It rang multiple times pissing her off. She got out her bed and wrapped a pink fluffy robe around her then went to the door.

 "Yo, what the fuck-" She groaned but stopped to see Fuckshit and Ray. "We was tryna check on you but you weren't answering shit." Ray told her. "Oh uh- I'm sick." Jamie fake coughed. 

"Fake ass cough nigga you not sick." Fuckshit shook his head. He and Ray walked in the house and sat on the couch. "I didn't invite you in my house but uhh okay." Jamie closed the front door. 

"So, what's up? You just ignore us now?" Ray questioned as she went and sat on another love seat. "No, I'm gon be honest. I'm feeling mad depressed and I don't want to talk to anybody." Jamie shrugged. "Well, why?" Ray asked. "My dad." 

"You know, going to a party could make you...not depressed."Fuckshit persuaded. "How the fuck?" Ray asked. "To get her mind off of shit." Fuckshit suggested. "Yeah okay, and what party?" Jamie turned to him. 

"It's these dudes with a fuck load of money throwing one." The doorbell rang again. Jamie got up and opened it to see Fourth Grade, Ruben and Stevie. 

"Finally, you fucking answered. We thought you died." Ruben smiled and hugged her which was unusual but she hugged him back. 

"Aye niggas! We going to a fucking party so let her get dressed!" Fuckshit yelled. Jamie let them in and went to take a shower. She got changed.

(Jamie's Outfit)

She did a little bit of makeup and brushed her hair

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She did a little bit of makeup and brushed her hair. 

"Hurry the fuck up!" Ruben yelled. "I'm fucking hurrying bitch!" Jamie yelled back. She went to her dad's room and went through his closet. 

"Uh, what are you doing?" Ray asked. She looked at him. "I'm looking for something." She found what she was looking for. "I'm gonna out there in a minute just hold up okay?" Jamie smiled.

 Ray nodded and walked out. She pulled out a few pills her dad used to sell and swallowed three of them. Jamie put everything back then went out. 

"I'm ready." She smiled and grabbed her keys. They went into her car but Ray wanted to drive so she let him. "Nigga don't get us pulled over." Fuckshit joked. "I'm not. I know how to fucking drive. I'm not fucking retarded." Ray laughed. 

Jamie was feeling the high from the pills a little bit more and was like dozing off. "Yo, you good?" Ray asked her. "Fuck- Yeah, I'm fine. A little light headed." 

They got to the party and it was full of people. "Well, be safe." She told the guys and walked away to the drinks. She drank a fuck ton of beer and a few shots of vodka. 

"Yo, yo, yo- Are you good?" Ray took a bottle of vodka away from her. "I'm fine. Give me that back." Jamie wobbled and almost fell. "Nah, we needa get you the fuck out of here." Ray held her. 

"Let me go!" She jerked away and took her high heels off. "Yo, I'm gonna find the others. Stay right here or go sit down or something." Ray ran away. Jamie drank more of the liquor and went up stairs.

 "Shit, Princess you drunk too?" Fuckshit laughed. "Fuckshit! What's up nigga!" She hugged him. "Yo, sexy you turnin' up tonight." Fuckshit chuckled as they both walked around the halls. "Fuck yeah." Jamie was about to fall but Fuckshit quickly caught her.

 "Damn, you forgot how to walk or something?" Fuckshit got her up and she put her arm around him for support. "Man, these bitches here are ass. All of them got boyfriends of are just fucking pricks." Fuckshit said as they sat on the floor in some room. 

"Damn, for real? You seen the other motherfuckers like Fourth Grade or Stevie or something?" Jamie asked. "Nah, why you wanna talk about them? It's just us right now." Fuckshit looked at her.

 "You are fine as shit Princess." Fuckshit smiled a little. "You too Fuckshit." Jamie could barely see since her eyes weren't fully open. "Fuck, shit, we ain't got nothin' better to do." Fuckshit and Jamie looked at each other. "Yeah." Jamie nodded and the two kissed.

 They stopped after a few seconds and then looked at each other. "Yo, you think Ray gon be mad at me?" Fuckshit questioned making Jamie realize what the fuck she just did. "Oh fuck!" Jamie gasped. "Shit. Ion even mean to do that." Jamie got up and her and Fuckshit left the room. 

They were walking in the backyard where people were swimming and dancing more.

 "Yo, we are leaving let's go." Ray said as he was right in front of her. He pulled her arm and Fuckshit followed. The group got back together and the drive was silent. Jamie was scared to talk so she'd just stare out the window. 

They got to Jamie's house and Stevie and Fuckshit ended up falling asleep on her couch. Ruben went home quickly and so did Fourth Grade. Ray was pissed off with her but still stayed to help her clean herself up once she finished throwing up. 

She put on pajamas and Ray just sat on her bed. Jamie sat at the edge of her bed and broke down. "I'm sorry Ray." She cried. 

"I didn't mean to kiss him. I shouldn't have done that. I don't think of him like that." Jamie kept crying. Ray stayed quiet. He knew what happened but he did something way worse. Jamie just kept crying as he stayed quiet. 

"I get it if you're mad. I didn't want to kiss Fuckshit, it just happened. I know that isn't an excuse and I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry." Jamie sniffed. Ray inhaled and hugged her behind. 

"It's cool. I know you were on something but fuck. You made me so fucking mad." Ray whispered. "What?" She sniffled. "A girl kissed me also." He confessed. "The worse thing is I let her suck my dick in the upstairs bathroom." Ray sighed. 

"So then we're fucking even." Jamie pulled herself away from him and got up. "Yeah. I know you didn't mean to kiss Fuckshit and I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm gonna go home." Ray got up and kissed her cheek. 

"I love you." He told her and walked out. 

"Fuck." Jamie put up her hair and grabbed covers from her closet to give to Stevie and Fuckshit. 

Once she got back in her room she just laid there as tears ran down her face. She didn't think that something like that could happen. How she got so out of control to the point she turned to alcohol and drugs. 

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