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Jamie had just finished cooking and while she was watching Animaniacs on her TV while eating chili and there were multiple bangs on her front door causing her to jump a little. She got up and looked out the peep hole to see Stevie. 

She opened the door and he quickly came in. His face was red and he had tears on his face with a black eye. "What happened boo?" She asked him as she closed the door.

 "Fucking Ian! He told me he'd stop! And I didn't fucking lie for him and he punched me in my eye! I fucking hate him! I hate him! I hate him so fucking much!" Stevie yelled.

 "Woah, woah. Calm down. Take a deep breath. Inhale, exhale." Jamie cooled him down. Stevie breathed in and out multiple times and wiped his eyes. "Want me to go and beat his ass? I will. Is your mom home?" Jamie asked him.

 "No, my mom left for work, but don't go! He'll hurt you too." Stevie said and went to my kitchen. "What's this?" He asked and pointed to the pot. "Chili." Jamie responded. "Can I have some?" He asked. Jamie nodded and grabbed a bowl and spoon for him. 

Stevie ranted on through the night until Jamie got a call. "Hello?" She answered. "Jamie? Have you seen Stevie?" Dabney asked. "Yeah, he's with me." Jamie replied. "Tell him to get back home now." The lady demanded.

 "Your mom wants you home, like now." Jamie told him. "Ugh. Okay." Stevie whined. "Ms. Dabney you understand that Ian-" Dabney hung up on Jamie.

 "Damn." Jamie said and shook her head. "Let's go. I can use my dad's car since yesterday he told me I could." Jamie told him as they walked to the door. 

"I brought my skateboard." Stevie looked at her. "And? It's 3 in the morning. Grab it and let's go." Jamie quickly grabbed the keys and slid on flip flops. Stevie grabbed his skateboard and went in the passenger seat. 

During the drive, they went to a drive thru for a small snack and then to Stevie's house. "Good night little boy. Be good and safe." Jamie parked outside the house. "Good night." Stevie grabbed his skateboard and went through the backyard. 

Jamie drove back home silently. 



Jamie woke up to her alarm. She felt like she was having a massive hangover. Jamie got up and took a shower. She got her outfit on. 

(Jamie's Outfit)

(Jamie's Outfit)

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