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Jamie put her hair up in two puffs and put on a few necklaces.

(Jamie's Outfit)

As she tied her shoes, her father came in

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As she tied her shoes, her father came in. "I like that hair style on you. It's nice." Demetri told her. "Thank you." She grinned. "Go over to Dabney's house and say hi to her for me please. I'm for real this time." Demetri ordered.

"Okay." Jamie shrugged and got up. "Who bought you those shorts? They look.. high and weird. Can you change?" Demetri asked. Jamie grabbed her skateboard and chuckled. "It's not weird if you don't make it. Bye bye! Love you!" Jamie ran out.

She rode to Stevie's house and knocked on the front door. "Stevie can you get that!" Jamie heard his mom yell. "Fine!" Stevie yelled back and opened the door with his skateboard in his hand.

"Hey Jamie. What are you doing here?" Stevie asked. "My dad wanted me to tell your mom he said hi." Jamie rocked back and forth and then his mom came out. "Oh hey Jamie! Stevie Is she who you're hanging out with? How can I help you?" Dabney spoke.

"Oh, um. My dad wanted me to stop by and tell you he said hi." Jamie nervously chuckled. "He could've called but tell him I said hi back." The woman smiled. "Will do. Let's go Stevie." Jamie waved her hand slightly.

"Oh. Alright. Bye mom." Stevie and Jamie rode away. Once they got to the shop Stevie held the door for Jamie as she walked in. "Thank you sir." Jamie smiled. Stevie came in behind her.

"Fuck! Shit! Look at this crazy ass nigga right here!" Fuckshit yelled and laughed. "How's your head psycho?" Ray asked him. "It's fine." Stevie grinned a little. "No, sunburn. It's definitely not fine. There's some fucked up shit going on up there. Yeahh, that board's looking pretty fucked up." Ray went and grabbed a board from the wall.

"I think you should probably ride one of these." Ray held the board to Stevie. "Oh. I don't have any money." Ray and Fuckshit chuckled.

NO SCRUBS, mid90sWhere stories live. Discover now