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Jamie and Demetri were smoking weed in the living room then there was a phone call. "I got it." Jamie got up and went to the house phone.

"Hello?" She answered. "Princess are you coming or not? We're in the back skating." Ray told her. "Oh shit. My bad. Yeah, I'm on my way."

Jamie hung up quickly and went to change her clothes.

(Jamie's Outfit)

She perfume over herself and put on lip gloss

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She perfume over herself and put on lip gloss. "You going already?" Her father interrogated. "Yeah." Jamie nodded and grabbed her skateboard. "Bye. Love you!" Jamie rushed out. She got to the back and saw everyone skating.

"Hey Princess!" Fuckshit yelled. "Hey!" She waved and started skating around. Jamie and Fuckshit dapped eachother up as they rode past each other.

"Princess! I see you! Good job!" Ray yelled out as she did a trick he taught her. "Thanks Ray Ray." Jamie clapped. Jamie stopped next to Fourth Grade.

"Hey man." Fourth Grade looked at her. "Hey." He smiled. "How's your day going?" Jamie blandly asked. "Good...why? Also are you okay? Your eyes are red." Fourth Grade cocked his eyebrow to her. "Good. No reason, also I'm fine. I just had smoke in my eyes earlier." Fourth Grade snickered a little.

"Oh okay."



"Dad! I need help!" Jamie yelled from her room. Demetri came in quickly. "With what? What's wrong?" He glanced around her. "I don't know what to wear." Jamie pouted.

"God. Okay, let's go look for a shirt first and work our way down." Demetri told her with his strong alcohol smelling breath hitting her face slightly. "You've been drinking?" Jamie questioned him as they looked through outfits.

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