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Jamie had gotten off the phone with her mom and decided she was going to change and practice skating.

(Jamie's Outfit)

She stuffed candy and lip gloss in her pockets and skated out to the shop

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She stuffed candy and lip gloss in her pockets and skated out to the shop. She went in and sat down next to Ray and Fourth Grade as Fuckshit was telling a story.

"Hey! What is your name!" Stevie's mother came yelling. "What the fuck?"

"What is your name?" Dabney asked again. "Fuckshit."

"Fuckshit? Jesus." Dabney looked at Jamie. "Jamie! I know your parents! Do they know about the drugs and alcohol?" Dabney pointed at Jamie. "Yes. Shit they give it to me sometimes." Jamie spoke calmly.

"Listen to me. You do not give my son alcohol-!" She started scolding. "Ma'am, ma'am." Ray tried to calm her.

"Bitch." Fuckshit muttered. "Aye! Fuckshit! Chill." Jamie corrected him. "You do not give my son drugs! Do you understand me?" The woman yelled.

"Cool. Cool. Cool." Fuckshit nodded. "It better be cool Fuckhead, or whatever your name is. Stay away from my son! He's not like you." She looked everyone up and down.

"Is she mad about the fingering?"

"Fourth Grade! Why!" Jamie covered her face trying not to laugh. "What fingering?" Dabney looked at Stevie.

"Wait, why does he have a black eye?" Jamie asked. Dabney just grabbed his neck. "Say goodbye to Stevie. This is the last time you're coming here." Dabney walked away.

"Hey but baby what's your number though?" Fuckshit shouted. "That's Stevie mom." Ray said. "You not taking that down?" Fuckshit smiled.

"Your name's Jamie? I totally fucking forgot." Ruben looked at her. "Yeah, okay. Don't fucking call me that." Jamie slouched. "Aww can we call you Jay?" Ray asked. "No!" Jamie laughed and covered her face.

They all laughed and Ray kissed her cheek.

"Oh shit. Y'all should just go out already. Since y'all niggas like eachother or whatever." Fuckshit suggested.


Ray and Jamie went to the back of the skate shop and saw Stevie sitting. "Yo. You alright?" Ray asked Stevie. Stevie nodded. "You do not look alright bro." Jamie sat next to him.

Ray went and sat on the other side of him. "Your mom is uh, very serious." Ray stated. "I just- I just can't take this shit sometimes." Stevie replied.

"What kind of shit?" Ray looked at him. "Just shit."

"A lot of the time, we feel like our lives are the worst, but  I think if you looked at anybody else's closet you wouldn't trade your shit for their shit." Stevie looked at Ray. "Yeah." Jamie sighed.

"Look at Fourth Grade. He is one of the poorest people I know." Stevie snickered a bit. "And I'm not even making a joke though. Like he can barely afford socks. Seriously. Socks. Ruben's mom gets all fucked up. She just beats on him and his sister. Why you think he never wanna go home? Fuckshit is like my best friend, and like we used to have all these sleepovers and fucking just dream about skating and where we wanna take it. I just feel like he's kinda like losing it a little or something. Now everyday he's just trying to figure out where to party, where to get fucked up, drunk. It's sad." Ray explained to Stevie.

"Yeah, and like for me, I think your mom told you but my mom got arrested. I've spoken to her twice since she's been gone. All my dad does is smoke, get drunk, stay out, sell drugs and hide from police. It's hard seeing him fucked up like that. That takes a toll on his and my mental health. I just feel fucked. If I try to help him I get scared because trying to help a drunk can either go three ways. You get hit and yelled out or they say they will get better and never get better or they get better and is just totally different. Like Ray said, it's sad. Really fucking sad." Jamie shook her head and laid her head on the wall. It went quiet.

"About like three years ago, my little brother was on the way to soccer practice, he was crossing the street...and he got hit by a car." Ray told Stevie. Jamie had just became good friends with Him and Fuckshit a few days before that happened. "It's so weird, like we shared a room. Like, a closet. Whenever I get dressed in the morning, it's just like, Just looking at all the clothes, and they just blend into each other." Ray exhaled deeply.

"It's just weird, but after he passed away, Fuckshit came to my house along with Princess and they both dragged me out to go skate with them. It felt good to have somebody there."

"So, let's go." Ray got up. He helped Jamie get up and they started walking. "Come on." Jamie helped Stevie up.


The three of them went and skated through the streets to the courthouse. Stevie tried to do tricks along with Jamie and Ray but he kept falling.

"You got this, love." Jamie gave him a thumbs up. They kept doing tricks and Ray and Jamie noticed that Stevie didn't really know how to keep balance and decided to help him out.

"Let's do this. You got it." Jamie helped him out. They practiced and practiced all night and even slept outside with him since he didn't want to go home.

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