Chapter Fifty Eight: The Day Will Come When You Will Be

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Maya's pov

The world did not end in a bang, or a whisper, but rather, one scream at a time.

Abraham Ford. The redhead Marine, Abraham Ford, was the victim Negan had chosen to kill. My eyes widen not believing it to be the man. Abraham was a hardass with a foul mouth, but underneath all that, he was a friend, protector, and overall good man. Abraham held two fingers up in the air and in seconds Sasha was in a fit of sobs before the barbed wired bat named Lucille came crashing down on his head. I let out a cry of surprise, cringing myself once hearing the physical breaking of his skull.

" Oh, look at that. Takin it like a champ !" Negan taunted.

To no surprise, the strong marine pulled himself back up to his knees looking at Negan directly in the eyes. Blood dripped down the side of his face, and I gasped in horror at the indent the bat had caused on his skull.

" Suck... my... nuts."

Negan groaned loudly swinging the bat down to Abraham's skull and knocking him to the ground again. I didn't know if I did it out of respect or horror, but I turned away from Abraham's body looking forward in shock. Negan was a different breed of horror. He had literally beaten someone to death. Abraham's head started to squelch and I cringed knowing the man was never coming back to us and giving a one-liner.

" Did you hear that?" Negan chuckled taking a few steps from Abraham's bloody body." He said, Suck my nuts. Phew."

Again, Negan went back in and this time, I didn't hear a crack of a skull, but the actual gravel. He broke through Abraham's head. The sound made my stomach turn, and I took a sharp breath keeping in my tears.

" Oh, my goodness! Look at this!" Negan taunted swinging his bat and getting blood on Rick, Aaron,  Carl, and myself.

Abraham's hot blood covered my right cheek and I clenched my teeth in outrage that Negan was this cold-hearted of a man. This world changes people and makes them do the unthinkable, but this was cruel.

" You guys, look at my dirty girl!" Negan taunted, but my eyes remained emotionless at the gravel in front of me.

The air was silent until a pair of boots stood in front of me and more blood spilled onto my lap from the barbed wire in front of me.

" Sweetheart... Lay your eyes on this." He said and rather then looking to the bat, I looked up to Negan showing him I had wrath, but no tears. He laughed scratching his chin.

" Well, damn kid. You...You got some spunk to you. You see, you're looking at me angry, but you should be happy that that little shit head just took one or six or seven for the team!" Negan boomed angry now that I had to fear of him. He cackled backing away and gripping the bat tightly in his hand." If you won't cry, I'm sure killing you will bring other tears."

Negan turned around swiftly charging towards me and ready to crack my skull open when something roared to life already racing towards him. I gasped in horror watching Dad threw a punch at Negan knocking him back several feet. Dad went to swing again when two men grabbed him already bringing him down to the ground.

" No!" I shrieked seconds from getting up when both Finnick and Carl held me down to the ground forcing me to stay where I was.

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