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   Jimin handed Taehyung the bowl of strawberries, looking at the clock that ticked silently. The two stood there in awkward silence, they barely looked at each other.

"So.." Taehyung began.
"Do you like guys?" Jimin blurted out.

   Jimin finally made eye contact with Taehyung, he felt so stupid for asking the question, but he was curious.
"Do you like guys..?"
   "Where did you even get that idea." Taehyung scowled.

   Jimin's heart pounded against his chest rapidly as he listened to Taehyung speak. He then glanced down at Jimin.

   "I can show you my answer." Taehyung replies.
"What?" Jimin tilts his head, but with a single inhale, Jimin's swooped up from the ground and now sat on the counter, he then quickly gazed up to Taehyung that stared down at him, hands planted beside his thighs, he could feel his breath tickle his collarbones, and his warmth creeping up against his body. He flinched as Taehyung leaned down to his ear,
"What makes you ask that question?"

   Jimin's eyes roamed around the room so quickly, he shoved Taehyung away and hopped off the counter.
"I think you do." Jimin placed his hands on his hips.
"Whatever, dude." Taehyung shook his head, placing a strawberry in his mouth.

Now Jimin was genuinely confused. Maybe Taehyung did like guys, but if he did, he wouldn't even tell a single soul. No matter how much Taehyung put him through, he wouldn't put him through that exposure.
   Jimin threw Taehyung off the couch, laying down there instead.
   "Ugh, you're so difficult." Taehyung complained.
"I'm sleeping on the couch, you sleep on my bed!" Jimin said.

   Taehyung slowly got up from the floor, with assistance from his knee. He scooped Jimin's thighs up and lifted him up, with a small flick of his finger, he switched off the lights before heading to Jimin's room, placing him on his bed, he gazed at him before hesitating to lay beside him.
"Oh, that works I guess."

   After a couple of minutes pass by, the two realize they were very silent.. and awkward. They couldn't sleep at all, they just focused on the soft little ticks and tocks from the clock in the living room, the gentle wind and rustles of trees outside. It was a desperate call for help, a conversation. Jimin struggled to glance over at Taehyung that hummed a tune.
"What song is that? It sounds really good."
   "Something I used to hum as a kid. Singularity I call it." Taehyung replied.

   Jimin's eyes shone in admiration as he glanced at Tae. The two fell silent once again, until Taehyung rolled over to face Jimin.

The two stared at each other, their facial features and hair colors. Jimin noticed Taehyung studied his lips, eyes and cheeks, they broke the silence.
"Goodnight." Taehyung mutters before turning his back to Jimin.

   Jimin fluttered his eyes awake, cringing due to the sun rays barging in the room, he shut his eyes again, letting them hydrate as he continued wrapping his arms and legs around something so nice and comfortable, warm. Then his alarm blared. He groaned and hugged the object tighter, intertwining the fabric between his small fingers.

"Jimin." Taehyung mumbled.
   Jimin struggles to open his swollen eyes, looking up at the tallest. He widened his eyes and rolled off of him,
"Shit, I-I'm really sorry, you were really comfortable!"
"You're fine. Get up, it's six."
   Jimin bit the inners of his cheek in embarrassment, nodding. He slid off the bed and rushed to grab his towel to go shower.


   Jimin checked outside, looking at the bus that had only Jungkook and his "friend" in it.
   "Alright, no one's there.. I do see Jungkook thou-..!!" Jimin gasped once Taehyung grabbed a handful of his ass.

"What the hell?!" Jimin harshly whispers to Taehyung as his face heated up.
"What??" Taehyung asked, quirking his brows.
"Why'd you grab my ass?!" Jimin yells in a whisper.
"I did?! I'm sorry, I thought it was your backpack!" Taehyung yelled in a whisper back.

"Oh, there they go.. arguing again." A student laughs in the bus.

   "Oh! Thats right, I asked you to zip it up, could you?" Jimin smiled.
   "Fuck.." Taehyung grumbled in irritation as he zipped up Jimin's backpack.

   The two walked in the bus, sitting away from each other, but they glanced at each other once in a while.

It's good to have a new friend.
The two thought.


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