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Day 1

Taehyung and Jungkook strolled throughout the halls, it was another fresh day and they had to start it well. The two were pretty much miserable, they stayed at a hotel the previous night with Jimin, but they felt horrible for hiding such secrets from their friend.

"You hit me hard, bitch." Jimin grumbled, rubbing his burning cheek that was previously hit by a flaming red dodgeball.

"Not on purpose." Jungkook grins.
"Hey, how about we have a sleepover in my house again?" Jimin exclaimed, grinning to the two as he crossed his arms and waited for a response.

Taehyung's heart raced quickly, he glimpsed at Jungkook with a quirked brow.
"How about my house tonight??" Jungkook offers with a nervous smile, Jimin shrugged in agreement.

Taehyung couldn't stand hiding things from Jimin, but he genuinely was trying his best to keep his composure, he didn't want anything to slip or anything to seem suspicious. He felt bad for Jungkook, he wish he had never told him, he didn't want all the pressure to be on him.


"Hey.. Could I tell you something weird?" Jungkook asked as he sat on Namjoon's comforting lap. The two have gotten very close, some could say they were dating by now.

"Anything, of course."
"Bury my video games when I die." Jungkook smiled.
"..Riiight.. death? You? Never." Namjoon chuckles out, wrapping his arm entirely around Jungkook who sighed out.

"Just making sure! I think I'll die of diabetes type two if I keep eating all this shit." Jungkook spun with Namjoon on the chair, taking another bite of a subway sandwich.
"Also.. would you be interested in coming over my place today? My friends are having a sleepover, I'm pretty sure you know Jimin and Taehyung pretty well by now."

Namjoon nodded,
"I don't have any problem with that." He agreed, pecking Jungkook's forehead.

After school, Taehyung was taking a huge risk.

He made his way to Jimin's house in Jungkook's car, and would make sure to steal the file from under the fridge. He had Jimin's keys, he stared at the front door before inserting the key and unlocking the door, swinging it open. He stomped over to the fridge, stuffing his slender under the fridge as he crouched down. He heard it slip and slide until he finally grabbed it.

He didn't waste any time, he made his way back into the car and raced away, his heart pounding as he drove to a fast food place, he parked there and glanced down at the file.
"Fuck.. now or never." He shrugged, he was nervous to find out what was in the file.

Kim Jong-su, born 1967, age 47. Wife: Kim Seo-Joon, born 1970, age 44.

Kim Jong-su takes a loan out for his sick wife, dying of terminal ovarian cancer, near the last stage. She was stuck on medicines, she had tried radiation therapy before, now stuck on chemotherapy. The Kim's had two children, Kim Ju-Won, daughter, born June 6th 1994/died June 14th, 2013.

Taehyung gasps, covering his mouth tightly.

His sister was dead?

No, that had to be wrong.

He continued reading in panic, looking for the cause of death.

Kim Ju-Won was killed due to a prison brawl, she was to be transferred alone to another prison, but the driver was familiar with her father, Kim Jong-su, they were enemies. She was sexually assaulted before being stabbed to death, her body found in an abandoned building. Reason for prison sentence: unknown. Murderer: Found, to be sentenced.

   Taehyung could feel tears stain his jeans as he melted in the drivers seat. He choked out a sob, covering his mouth— he wanted to read more, but he couldn't help but realize his sister's death was his fault. She took the blame, she died. She paid his price.
Fighting through the tears blurring his vision, he continues to read:

Kim Taehyung, son, born December 30th, 1995. Kim Jong-su declares bankruptcy on January 17th, 2001. Kim Jong-su is hired on March 18th, 2001. His wife, Kim Seo-joon is killed on March 29th, 2001.

Taehyung froze, taking his eyes off the file momentarily as he palmed his lips.

His mother succumbed to cancer.
She wasn't killed..

He pays attention to the file once again,

Kim Jong-su declares he put the bullet in her head after not being able to carry the burden of her medical bills, the expenses left him broke. Kim Jong-su requested another loan after the murder. The Parks covered the death. They pay for the funeral.

Taehyung nearly crumpled the paper in his own hands, he had killed the murderer who ended his sweet mother's life. His own father took his mother away from him. She could've had another chance at life with the loan, more treatment, surgery, anything. But his father was a coward, he didn't care or wish for her future. He slammed his fists down on the steering wheel over and over until they ached, covering his face as he silently yet violently sobbed into them. His knuckles turned white, resting his encased face and hands on the steering wheel as he gasped for air and sobbed.

The rest of the file:

   Kim Jong-su is fired for theft and unable to pay for his own loans. He swears death on the Parks, but does not know the rest of his life is being monitored by them. He caused a massive economical crisis on the Parks, the loans he would give "other people" were for himself. He turns to alcohol and abuse, his children went to charter schools until Kim Ju-Won drops out of high school, Kim Taehyung remains in an all-boy's high school. They are both monitored.

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