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Taehyung widened his eyes as the man who shattered the window swung the passenger's door open, Jungkook grabbing his rough hands that grabbed onto his shirt's collar.
"Who the fuck are you?!" Jungkook shouts, his heart nearly pounding out of his broad chest.
The man had extracted a syringe from his back pocket, it looked familiar to Taehyung. The oldest panicked,
"Wait! What the fuck, we're not resisting!" He hollers out, the two boys shouting and panicking— Taehyung's stomach churned once Jungkook was stabbed by the syringe, forcing a throaty groan out of him. The oldest couldn't do a single thing, watching as the man slipped out his pistol and harshly swung the butt of his gun across Jungkook's temple, immediately knocking him out. He felt horrible.

Taehyung's chest rapidly collapsed and rose as he heard footsteps approach him, his heart racing as they grew noisier every second that passed. He mind was running with many types of thoughts. Who were these people? Was he going to die? Why were they doing this? His mind froze and so did his unsettled body once he heard an unsettling voice once his door was slowly opened.
"We meet again." Mr. Park chuckles eerily, sending sharp shivers down Taehyung's spine.
"Step out the car, darling." Mrs. Park demanded.

The oldest made sure to rise his hands up half-way before he slowly shuffled himself out of Jungkook's car, keeping his head lowered and his eyes to the cement floor. He noticed that there weren't any cars around, no witnesses. Their men were dressed in black and surrounded Jungkook's car— he knew they were armed, so he didn't exactly plan on doing anything impulsive.
Taehyung grunted as he was randomly slammed and pinned up against the car, his heart skipping a couple of beats and sinking to the depths of his stomach as he stared up at a hollow barrel of a pistol. The glock was golden, it was sickening. The tip touched his forehead, pushing his head against the car door. He resented the fact he couldn't do anything, couldn't move— he knew they wouldn't hesitate to take his life.

"You scared, hm?" Mr. Park asks, his breath shaking as he pushed the pistol further, dragging it roughly across Taehyung's forehead. He knew this was a trick question, so he decided to answer with another question.
"How did you know I was here." He calmly spoke through the huge lump that rested in his throat, "Why'd you hurt Jungkook? He had nothing to do with this."

The two laughed out, richly.
"We know your every move." Mrs. Park sighs out in delight.
"Listen to me clearly, Kim." Mr. Park began, "We know you have the file, and as we showed you, we dont give a fuck. We will need it back, though. That contains valuable information like your father.." Mr. Park's dry and rough hand grasping Taehyung's neck, "cheating my fucking family into poverty. We got back up, slowly.. though, slowly. We'll make your father pay, just letting you know."

"Slowly, though.. slowly." Mr. Park grits through his teeth, again.

"Through me? You're going to kill me?" He asks, gulping as he kept eye contact with Mr. Park that breathed out an airy laugh.
"That's to be decided, my friend. You and your sister were abominations, you never deserved to be alive with our money."

"Money my father dug out of my mother's ass.. and yours." Taehyung backfired, earning a swift punch to the cheekbone, it perfectly aligned and nailed it him down— he buzzed a groan out as Mr. Park stood him up correctly.

"You stop seeing our son." Mrs. Park spat out, her red upper lip curling up in disgust, "If you continue interacting, you'll be facing the consequences."

Taehyung's heart suddenly ached, he thought of a world without Jimin. His sweet personality, his smile and his company. It was over, he was now forced to distance himself from him, until he could find a way to genuinely explain what was going on. Everything. He stared at the couple, pondering about what he would say to the poor boy, he imagined feeling his embrace for one last time, and never feeling it again. He wouldn't be able to talk to him, call him or wake up in the same bed as him.

He was always watched.

"Not a problem." Taehyung subtly replied, a cold feeling spreading through his chest and spiking at his fingertips. The couple glared back at him before Mr. Park lowered his pistol, patting the boy's shoulder.
"Pleasure doing business with you, boy."
"Enjoy your trip!" Mrs. Park winks, slithering her arm to interlock with her husband's. He was then allowed to enter Jungkook's vehicle after their security had returned to their SUV's. He watched them drive off, like nothing had happened.

He glanced over to Jungkook that layer unconscious on the passenger's seat, blood trickling down from somewhere around his temple, some absorbing into his shirt, some caking up around his sharp jawline.
"Fuck.." He shakily sighs out, finally starting up the car and racing off to Jungkook's house.

As he drove, a couple of tears slid down his face, stinging the swollen and irritated cut on his cheek, he could only think about the way he'd tell Jimin he couldn't talk to him anymore, it was over. Over because his parents were trying to kill him, over because he was so stupid and nosy, over because he's done so many bad things, he was worried it'd get to Jimin too.

The last thing he wanted was to hurt him again, but he was too stupid.

After two hours, Taehyung had already arrived to Jungkook's house and carried him in. He had already set him down on his bed and tucked him in— he was currently pressing an ice pack and cleaning off the dried blood off his soft, honey skin. He felt horrible for the youngest boy, he was always there for him, and got hurt in the process.
"Mm.." Jungkook groaned out, stunning the tallest who paused his cleaning. He watched as the youngest opened his eyes, his vision blurred for a bit before he gasped in and held his head, groaning at the pain.
"Wait— don't touch that." Taehyung advised, watching the youngest gaze up at him with his wide, doe eyes.
   "Taehyung?" Jungkook asks, attempting to blink the blurry vision away. He gazed up at Taehyung who stared back at him. "Oh no.. are you okay? What happened, bro?"

"I'm fine, why?" Taehyung asks.
"You look like you've been crying." Jungkook frowns his brows and lips, Taehyung felt a bit surprised. He knew him so well already, he thought it wasn't noticeable anymore.
"Nah.. I wasn't crying." Taehyung shook his head, "Do you remember what happened at all?"

   Jungkook stared off for a bit before quickly nodding his head in the midst of realization.
"Yeah.. yeah! I remember, now! Who were those guys??"

"They were some security guards, for Jimin's parents.." The tallest began, rubbing the bridge of his nose in frustration as he recalled the conversation. "Some guy knocked you out, and they pulled me out your car.. It was Jimin's parents." He watched Jungkook widen his eyes , "They told me to stop seeing Jimin. They held a gun to my head."

"Jimin? Why??" Jungkook asks, and Taehyung shrugged.
    "I guess maybe they found out me and him have been seeing each other. Maybe they just didn't like that, considering they want my dad dead.. well— he is dead." Taehyung sighs in frustration, the youngest then shuffling out of his bed with no problem whatsoever. "You're okay to be up?"

"I feel okay, feels like I took a good nap." Jungkook ensures, glancing down to the dried up blood on his shirt.
    "I probably should've changed that, huh?" Taehyung sighs, but Jungkook shook his head, placing his gentle yet strong hand on Taehyung's shoulder.
"I'm sorry you had to go through that, and I'm sorry I didn't put up a fight."
"Jungkook, they most definitely would've killed you." Taehyung replies, the youngest shrugged and nodded in agreement. "Also.. here, let me put this on your head."

    The two glanced down at the average-sized bandaid that was supposed to cover the large gash over Jungkook's temple. They grinned slightly to each other before Taehyung carefully plastered it over the worst part of the gash, rubbing his hands together afterwards as he took a deep breath.
"Let's drink some wine or something.. I want to forget about today."

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