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   They went to another beach.

   Jimin plopped down to sit on the sand, sighing in relief. Him and Taehyung have been walking around everywhere in Seoul, buying things and eating like pigs.
   "How was your day today." Taehyung asked as he twirled a flower between his finger tips.

   "The most fun I've had in a while." Jimin laughs out as he played with the sand, glancing at the sun that was setting, the horizon was beautiful, multiple colors painted the sky and the clouds were full. The shortest sighed out and decided to break the ice.
"Why aren't you celebrating with your family?" He abruptly asks. Taehyung widened his eyes and looks over to Jimin.
"Hah, I can ask you the same thing." Taehyung laughs awkwardly, and Jimin nodded in agreement. "Well.. I live in a pretty toxic household. My dad's a bitch, my sister's also a bitch but I love her, she needs me. Even if she's older than me."

"Does your dad.." Jimin cringed, he didn't really want to ask about abuse, that was a sensitive topic.
"Let's change the subject." Taehyung sighs.
"Are you sure? You know you can talk wi—.."
"Yes, I'm sure." Taehyung sharply replies.
"Alright- but I'm just making sure, I don't—.."
"Shut up!!" Taehyung suddenly yells, startling Jimin that quickly averted eye contact.

The two sat in silence before Taehyung sighed, rubbing his temples gently with his index fingers.
"My dad abuses us. Mostly my sister, because she's pretty much like a maid, but she's stupid.. I offer her help and she doesn't take it.. It's like she likes being there, being mistreated." Taehyung scowls.

The shortest listened intensively, staying quiet.
"He drinks a lot, he owes a lot of people money. He's got a lot of loans to pay off too. I'm always worried if the consequences he faces would come back to either me or my sister."
"I'm sorry to hear that." Jimin sighs.
"What about you?" Taehyung asks.
"Nothing really.. My parents are rich, they're always gone on business trips, they don't tell me much, they don't tell me anything at all, really." Jimin palms his lips momentarily, "I can't say they're bad parents though.. they love me."

The two watch as the sun got ready for its slumber, nearly halfway down the horizon. Then, Taehyung stood up, and then so did Jimin. The smallest quirked a brow up.
"Where are you goin'?" Jimin asked.
   "Nowhere. I just wanna see the fireworks." Taehyung said.

   As the sun set, fireworks erupted from the sky, popping in different colors and shapes, loud booms startled the people around the beach, they recorded and "wow'ed" at the scene.
"That's really pretty.." Jimin mumbled.

   Taehyung grinned, turning Jimin to face him. The aforementioned gazed up at Taehyung's eyes that seemed to be full of warmth and joy, they changed. They weren't cold and full of hatred anymore. Sometimes he couldn't even recognize the new Taehyung anymore because of how much he had changed. And the same for Jimin, Taehyung was glad he brought the best out of him, he was tired of seeing him so miserable, all at his own fault. He was worried though, about returning to school tomorrow. He felt himself getting closer to Jimin, enjoying his company and his personality. Closer in a different way.. The smallest viewed the sunset and booming fireworks that squealed and popped.

   Jimin gazed back at Taehyung with a large grin.
"This day was amazing, y'know." Taehyung says while his jaw ached so much because of his grin, he then reached down to Jimin's face and cupped it. Jimin's heart dropped to his stomach as he nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, I really enjoyed today."

The two felt the sand was now cold between their toes, and the sound of fireworks beat the loud crashes of the ocean's waves. The two gazed at each other and felt their warmth, they enjoyed it.

   Taehyung leaned down and Jimin reached up, their lips merging together with no care or thought in the world, closing their eyes. Their hands and arms wrapped around each other and pulled each other close, nothing went through their minds, as they were fuzzy and full of enlightenment.

   The two pulled away after a few seconds, their hearts beat with fear and joy, they were two men kissing each other. The tallest then leaned down again to kiss Jimin once more, causing Jimin to beam with a smile.

"I..." Jimin began.
"Just let it happen." Tae replied, his hand planted on Jimin's soft cheek.

   "And what'd you do after?" Jimin asked Tae that was creating bracelets.
   "I don't do anything, my father just hits us, we stay in the room to avoid him. I called her before going out with you- just so I could check on her and guess what?" Taehyung explains.
"What?" Jimin tilts his head.
"She's still home, she doesn't want to leave."

   "Oh.. well, you can stay whenever you want, alright? Hopefully your father gets what he's doing. I'm for real sorry about that." Jimin sympathizes, watching as Tae silently made some bracelets.

   "Why do you like bracelets so much?" Jimin smiled.
   "I don't like the feeling of my wrists empty." Tae mumbled, putting on the bracelet. "I know it's a weird thing, but like you said, I'm weird."

"Your mood switches are." The shortest rolls his eyes

   Taehyung scoffed and tossed a bracelet towards Jimin, a bracelet pretty much identical to his own.
   "Friendship bracelets?" Jimin asked, earning a nod from Taehyung.

   "What time is it? We gotta get to bed. Tomorrow's Friday anyways, so.." Taehyung grabbed the sheets, pulling them up.

   Jimin hauled Tae over, down on the bed, laying next to him calmly. He looked over at the tallest and smiled.
"Today was amazing."
"I'm sure you said that already." Tae said back.
"I'm serious!"

   The two shared gazes and smiles with eachother until Jimin drifted off to sleep. Taehyung reached to turn off the lamp, going to sleep afterwards.

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