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"Well... You were.. mean to me these two years, and suddenly, you're not hitting or yelling at me, it's confu-.."
"What. Did you like it when I did that?" Taehyung asked sarcastically.

"N-No! But, it's just strange how you changed." Jimin stammered nervously.
"Of course." Taehyung rolled his eyes, standing up, walking to Jimin.

Jimin's heart was close to pounding out of his chest, he anxiously gazed up at Taehyung that looked down at him.

"Like you would care." Taehyung's constant evil smirk formed on his lips.

Jimin watched as Taehyung walked away.

What the hell??

Jimin slowly chewed on his food, he glanced back at Taehyung that was chatting with his small group of stupid bullies. He sighed and looked back at Jungkook that gobbled down his food.

"Slow down, you'll get the hiccups." Jimin advises.
"Nonesen-.." Jungkook was interrupted with a hiccup.

Jimin smiled, grabbing his own empty plastic plate, throwing it away. As he walked back, he glanced at Hoseok that fake tripped, spilling his coffee over Jimin's flannel shirt.

"Ow!!" Jimin yelled out, grabbing his own shirt that was stained of hot coffee.
"My bad!" Hoseok faked his apology, laughing as he walked to Taehyung and his friends.

Jimin sighed in disappontment, running to the bathroom that was up two staircases. He panted as he arrived in the bathroom. He walked to the sink, looking at his stained shirt.

"So dumb.." Jimin mumbled.
Jimin looked around, seeing that the bathroom was empty, he sighed and unbuttoned his flannel shirt, slipping it off. He turned on the cold water, spilling soap on the stain to wash it off after.

"Crap!!" Jimin gasped as the lights shut off.
He quickly pulled his shirt away, draining the water from it.

"Th-This isn't funny!! Turn the lights back on! Whoever you are..!!" Jimin yelled out, stepping away from the sink. He sighed, grabbing the door handle, stomping outside, only to be met with a crowd of laughing students.

Jimin squeaked and pulled his shirt to cover his bare torso. He flinched at the flashes of recording phones, pushing through the crowd, running away after.

The laughter of teenagers slowly faded away as Jimin ran faster. He put his shirt on, cornering himself to cry into his hands.

I know this was Taehyung. I knew he would never change!

Jimin continued on arguing with himself in his mind until a large, slender hand tapped his shoulder. He jumped, and turned to look up at Taehyung.

"Need an extra shirt, huh." Taehyung blabbered.

woooooooooooo who lives in a gucci house under a tree

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