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Taehyung knew he would regret this for the rest of today, shit, probably his whole life. But he had to do something, something quick, something smart.

I'm sorry..

    "What the fuck?!" Taehyung yelled out as he shoved Jimin away from him, wiping his lips in disgust.

   "This kid is gay?! He tried kissing you, bro!" Hoseok yelled, causing Taehyung to shudder.

    Jimin remained silent in disbelief, his arms drop to his side and he turns to glance at Hoseok and Taehyung that circled him with their friends.
"No, I didn't d—.."
Jimin immediately blocked Hoseok's punch but groaned out in pain as another one of his goons punched his vulnerable stomach, Hoseok gained access to his face and nailed a nasty punch to his nose. Jimin immediately collapsed and four guys began kicking and yelling to him.

Saying all types of slurs.

Calling him disgusting, a dick-sucker, dick-taker, a pussy, a transgender.

"Faggot, faggot, faggot."

"No, stop!!" Jungkook yelled, rushing over to Hoseok and his friends.
    "Fuck, enough!!" Jimin roared, squirming around as Tae's friends beat him up, glancing at Taehyung that breathed heavily and panicked, he could see it in his eyes, he could hear it.

He tuned everything out and all he could hear is Taehyung's labored breath, and Jungkook yelling and pushing around.

Now this, was betrayal.

    Jimin had been laying on the floor for a while. No administrators had caught Hoseok or anyone that beat on him. He lost the fight, hell, he couldn't even put up a fight. He stayed curled up, holding himself. He breathed heavily while his body stung and hurt badly, his face hurt the most. Honestly, he was too afraid to look in the mirror.

Hoseok was the most evil person he knew. He had lost all faith in Taehyung.

He stopped Hoseok last time. Why didn't he now?

Was he so afraid, he put Jimin on the line?

Was he that much of a coward?

A selfish bastard?

he was.

    Jungkook strolled into the bathroom, glancing to Jimin that was leaned over the sink, his head sunk from his shoulders, he saw blood dripping into the sink and stained the puddle of water resting in the sink bowl.
"Jimin.." Jungkook mumbles.
    Jimin didn't turn around, he made a noise, to let him know he acknowledged his presence. The tallest's hopeful smile faded slowly.

    "You look really hurt.." Jungkook realizes, and guilt filled his mind.
    "Yeah.. you guys hurt me good." Jimin muttered angrily.

"Me??" Jungkook asked.
    "Yeah, you.." Jimin mumbles lowly, he didn't have the energy to get so angry anymore, he just wanted to be in silence, alone.
    Jungkook stepped closer and cleared his throat up, he shook his head and placed his hand on Jimin's bloody sink.
"No, I helped. I tried to get them away. One of them even smacked the fuck out of me! They just wouldn't let you go." Jungkook explains, "But I get where you're coming from, if I had fought harder.. I probably would've prevented.. all this.."

Jimin stayed quiet.

"I don't think you're a freak, Jimin.." Jungkook whispered.
"That's good to know." Jimin nods, "One down, hundreds more to go."

Jungkook felt like utter shit, hearing and seeing Jimin in this type of condition. He wrapped his arm around his friends waist and brought him into a hug. The smallest tried to ignore the pain of the aching bruises forming on his torso and back, he embraced his friend back.

And for once, Jimin had finally let some tears slip out of his eyes, they stung his cheeks and lips, but he had to let it out somehow. He should've known that his content was limited, he couldn't possibly dare to have one good day.
"I'm sorry for everything, man." Jungkook whispered, his fingers running through Jimin's hair while he let him cry on his shoulder, a silent cry. "Everything's gonna be alright."


    Jimin couldn't eat at his usual table, the nurse had advised him to stay in a different table, away from the students for the meantime since she didn't want the poor boy drawing anymore attention. Jungkook gave him some company, but Jimin could barely eat, his fork laid there in his chicken salad.

    "Jungkook.." Jimin sighs.
"Hm? Yeah?" Jungkook replies with a full mouth.
"How are you popular?" Jimin asked randomly.
    "I uh.. I don't know? Um.. I dyed my hair? I'm on trend with clothes, and I hang around some popular people, they're shitty but I joke around with them, I guess." Jungkook replied, gobbling down his food as usual.
    "Mhm." Jimin hums, looking down at his own clothes.

    On the bus ride home, Jimin heard lots of comments about him, he ignored them though, he really couldn't do much about it. He just wanted to go home, and once he did, he had forced Taehyung to leave him be and stop following him around. He slammed the door, tossing his keys on the table. He sat down on a chair, reminding himself of Taehyung's eyes filled with misery as he shouted at him to leave him alone, he thought of his reaction of Hoseok finding them, kissing. All the good times they had came to his mind.

    Jimin cleared the large clump in his throat, swallowing back the tears. He winced as a singular tear disturbed the small cuts on his face, sighing softly.

He didn't even bother, he just went straight to sleep.

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